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Dr. Tenne Awarded NSF Grant

Congratulations to Dmitre Tenne, Professor in the Physics Department.  Dr. Tenne was awarded a $450,00 3-year NSF grant, “Lattice dynamics and phase transitions in multifunctional oxide nanomaterials studied by ultraviolet Raman spectroscopy.”

Diagram detailing raman spectroscopy

In recent years, science and technology of electronic materials have moved towards artificially engineered thin films and multilayer structures at nanometer scales (one billionth of a meter). Nanoscale materials exhibit physical behavior drastically different from that of macroscopic materials, thus opening new opportunities for novel device applications. Dr. Tenne’s research studies nanoscale ferroelectrics and multiferroics, a class of materials both interesting for fundamental research and practically important due to high potential for applications in various devices, such as computer memories, microwave electronic devices or in next-generation transistors. The research is closely integrated into the educational program at Boise State University, involving undergraduate and graduate students in research and training, thus making them well prepared for careers in physical sciences and materials engineering. Such graduates are in demand by electronics and materials industries, such as Micron Technology, Hewlett Packard, and other high-tech companies in the Boise metropolitan area. The project promotes an active use of the state-of-the-art instrumentation for educational purposes and supports the development of new graduate programs. It broadens the involvement of students from under-represented groups in cutting-edge scientific research. The project enhances Boise State’s strength in condensed-matter physics and materials science.