Who can use the lending library
Any enrolled student at Boise State is welcome to use this great resource. Everything available is physically located on campus so you will need to come into the office to pick something up.
Where is the lending library
The lending library is located on the first floor of the Norco building. The building’s address is 1910 University Drive, Boise, ID. The library is located in office 116. You are welcome to come in and take a look anytime.
Checking out procedures
- During non-testing time frames, books can be checked out for 2 weeks time periods
- You may check out 1 subject at a time and pull from no more than 2 different publishers. For example: You may take a biology review from Kaplan and Princeton
- During the summer, materials may be checked out for 1 week at a time
- Entire sets may be checked out for longer periods. Seek out upon request: erincolburn@boisestate.edu
- No writing/highlighting in the books
- Use the Lending Library Checkout Form