By Eli Woodard
Involved group of researchers: Alejandro N. Flores, Kachinga Silwimba, and other members of the research team at Boise State University.
Researcher Kachinga Silwimba explained, “Climate change is an increasingly critical issue that demands immediate attention from the global community. In light of this, combining climate model emulation with the Empirical Orthogonal Functions (EOF) methodology represents a promising approach for comprehending and anticipating changes in climate variability patterns”.
Silwimba, under the supervision of PI Alejandro N. Flores, is working on developing a computational method that combines climate model emulation and empirical orthogonal functions (EOF) analysis. This novel approach aims to reduce computational costs associated with traditional methods, thereby making it more feasible to perform more extensive climate analyses with increased accuracy and reduced time.
The team uses climate model simulations from the Community Land Model Version 5 at the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR). To develop emulators and perform the EOF analysis, they rely on Python and bash Scripting, statistical software packages. Given the size of the climate datasets, which can be quite large, access to High-Performance Computing (HPC) resources is also necessary for the efficient completion of the project.
Silwimba explained, “One of the primary challenges I encountered during my research project was the initial unfamiliarity with the Computing cluster (R2 and Borah), which posed difficulties in the initial setup and management of the system. Thankfully, I was fortunate enough to receive guidance from Katie Murenbeeld, a member of my lab (Lab for Ecohydrological and Forecasting) here at Boise State University. Katie provided valuable assistance in navigating and troubleshooting the cluster’s operations, allowing me to efficiently conduct my research,”.
Our research approach involves applying the EOF method to identify the dominant patterns of variability in the climate data. This technique entails calculating the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the climate data’s covariance matrix or using the Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) method to decompose the data into empirical orthogonal function modes, which represent the spatial distributions and principal components, which also represent the temporal distributions.

Silwimba is currently engaged in several related research projects, including investigating the impact of various parameters on Climate Land Model version 5 simulations using empirical orthogonal functions (EOFs). Additionally, he is exploring the combination of self-organizing maps (Neural Networks) with EOFs to assess the influence of these parameters on the performance of the Climate Land Model (CLM).
Silwimba concluded, “Machine learning-based emulation methods, designed to mimic complex climate models, can significantly reduce the computational costs associated with running these models. By providing faster and more accurate predictions, these methods allow researchers to explore a broader range of climate scenarios and make better-informed policy decisions. Moreover, they can make climate projections more accessible to policymakers and the general public, bridging the gap between climate modeling research and the broader community. This can ultimately contribute towards a more sustainable future by increasing public awareness and understanding of the potential impacts of climate changeā.
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