Conflicts of Interest in Research
Generally Presumed Conflicts of Interest in Research
​Activities that are generally presumed to be Conflicts of Interest which indicate a need for disclosure, review, management, reduction, or elimination include:
- Involvement of human subjects when a Covered Relationship exists;
- Sponsored Funding via a privately-held entity when a Covered Relationship exists;
- Withholding Research results or providing Research results on a preferential basis for personal gain;
- Diverting, away from the University to bypass the University or University processes, purchase of items such as equipment or supplies;
Funding via oneself or a Family Member, including that which is for research personnel, other than to purchase routine low-cost research-related items or to supplement travel; or - Any dealing, collaboration, association, employment, or interaction related to Research pertaining to an individual, program, or entity that is or has been affiliated with: a Foreign Entity of Concern, an entity on the Department of State-funded ASPI Tracker, or a malign foreign talent recruitment program as defined in the CHIPS and Science Act of 2022.