External Researchers
Collaborating with Boise State Researchers
A Boise State researcher collaborating with an investigator from another institution (or vice versa), may or may not need to obtain IRB approval from both institutions.
The Office of Human Research Protection (OHRP) supports the idea of IRBs from collaborating institutions also collaborating – in essence, permitting one institution’s IRB to defer review of a human subjects research application to another IRB. This collaboration eliminates redundancies in the review of a study, and may provide a more efficient process. In order for the IRB to consider such an arrangement, both IRBs must have a Federal-Wide Assurance from the OHRP and enter into an Institutional Authorization Agreement (IAA). If the outside IRB does not include the data collection methods to be used with Boise State subjects, the IRB will require the Boise State researcher to submit a separate application to Boise State’s IRB.
Contact the IRB Coordinator for additional information.
Boise State as a Site for External Researchers
An outside researcher (not affiliated with Boise State) wishing to conduct research at Boise State or with Boise State students or employees, must complete the following:
- IRB approval from the external institution. (Note: If the external researcher doesn’t have approval, they may seek review and approval through a Boise State IRB for a fee. If the researcher is collaborating with someone from Boise State, no fee will apply.)
- Submit to the Boise State IRB Office, the full packet of materials submitted to the external IRB including:
- Letter of IRB approval for the project;
- The IRB protocol application;
- Consent form or information sheet;
- Recruitment flyer or ad;
- Instruments or measures to be used; and
- Any additional supporting documentation.
The ORC staff and IRB Chair will review the request and issue indicating the compliance and IRB concerns have been met. The IRB reserves the right to have requests for permission to recruit on campus go to the full board for review and approval, should the Chair decide that the nature of the study requires the independent scrutiny of the IRB to protect its students and employees.
If the research involves recruiting a very specific set of students (i.e. Psychology, College of Engineering), then you must also contact that department, college, or Vice President for Student Affairs for permission to recruit their students. The external researcher will need to let them know they have already contact the ORC and have met all compliance concerns.
Using Boise State’s IRB for a Fee
The IRB at Boise State will conduct an IRB review of research for investigators that are not affiliated with Boise State for a fee. Contact the ORC for additional information.