Friday Schedule Update
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Process for Obtaining PI Access to the Budget v. Actual Report for Sponsored Programs

The Office of Sponsored Programs (“OSP”) has received feedback that Principal Investigators (“PI”) need more guidance about the process for obtaining system access to the Budget v. Actual Report/Dashboard for Sponsored Programs.  Therefore, OSP, in coordination with the Office of Continuous Improvement (“OCI”) and OIT Accounts, has developed the following guidelines:

1.  Use the following template to prepare an email that the PI’s supervisor can send to OIT Accounts (

Dear OIT Accounts:

I am [PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR’S NAME] (“PI”) supervisor.  Please grant this PI access to financial reporting data in the Budget vs. Actual Dashboard for Sponsored Projects (the “BvA”), which is in Oracle Reporting.

This PI is the primary responsible party for managing the programmatic and budgetary aspects of the PI’s sponsored projects and, therefore, has an essential need to access the BvA.  Without this information, the PI cannot effectively perform the PI’s job responsibilities or obligations to external sponsors including, without limitation, the State Board of Education and State/Federal government.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask.

Best regards,


2.  Once the PI’s supervisor sends this email, OIT Accounts will coordinate with OCI to grant the necessary access.

3.  The supervisor and PI should expect access to the BvA within 2 – 4 business days.

If you have any questions about this process, please contact OSP Systems at