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Call for Interest: Affinity Group with the University of the Basque Country

The Center for Research and Creative Activity is looking for faculty interested in collaborating with the University of the Basque Country in research, exchange programs, and internships.  If you are interested to learn more and contribute to this conversation, please fill out this interest form by February 16, 2024.


The University of the Basque Country is interested in developing a research affinity group with faculty from Boise State around one or more of the following topics: microelectronics, environment sciences, cybersecurity. Once research topics are chosen, based on interest, a Zoom meeting will be organized and up to five researchers from each university will be invited to give a 10-minute talk about their research group and objectives in order for potential collaborators to get to know one another.

Exchange and Internship Programs

Boise State and the University of the Basque Country are committed to developing exchange programs not only for students but also for professors and administrative staff. In addition, there is an interest in developing work internship programs for students as well as an exchange program for education students to learn English, Spanish and/or Basque through internships in schools.