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PI Dashboard Requirements Survey

Earlier this month, the Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) provided the BSU research and creative activity community with an update entitled Progress on the PI Dashboard. This communication included details about Phase 1 of the Next Frontier project, including upcoming campus stakeholder meetings with consultants and the following information about the PI Dashboard:

“As a companion to . . . consultant-led meetings, campus units engaged in research and creative activities will be receiving a targeted Qualtrics survey to gather requirements for the ‘PI Dashboard,’ which is one specific deliverable of the overall project.” . . . Because this survey specifically addresses the PI Dashboard, it’s another critical opportunity to provide insight into your needs.

This morning (September 19, 2022) at about 9:00 AM, you should have received an email with a link to this survey. While we recognize that you have many competing obligations, we hope that you’ll take some time (<10 minutes for PIs) to provide your feedback. This survey will be open through 11:59 PM on October 2, 2022. If you have any questions, please contact Matt Smith at