Once you have obtained an internship and are ready to register for academic credit, you must fill out the Internship Application for Academic Credit to have the course added to your academic schedule. Please review the following information on how to complete the application.
- Access the Internship Application for Academic Credit
- Log in using your Boise State username and password
- Click the plus (+) sign next to Internship Application for Academic Credit on the left hand side of the page. Click on the option Create an Application.
- Enter all required information (fields with * are required)
Things to remember: You will not be registered for your internship course until your department internship coordinator and organization supervisor approve your internship application. It is your responsibility to check your email through the registration process in case any questions arise.
After you submit your application, it goes to the Internship Coordinator for Approval → Your Internship Supervisor → To the Registrar’s Office to be added to your academic schedule.