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Research Spotlight Q&A: Morgan Milosevich, MPH Student

Morgan Milosevich

Master of Public Health student Morgan Milosevich will be presenting her project, “Western Idaho Community Healthcare Collaborative: Setting the Table for Groundbreaking Collaboration,” at the Graduate Student Showcase.

Here’s what Morgan had to say about her presentation:

What will you be presenting at the Graduate Research Showcase?

My project was creating a community outreach plan for Western Idaho Community Healthcare Collaborative (WICHC). The goal of the outreach plan is to inform and guide WICHC to improve community engagement and awareness of the Collaborative across the region. This plan will move WICHC from informing to empowering on the engagement spectrum. Through targeted outreach to key stakeholders throughout the WICHC region listed in this plan, the community will better understand the organization’s impact and role therefore increasing WICHC and the community’s ability to solve complex health challenges. Empowering stakeholders and informing external community members will increase collaboration efforts and which will ultimately lead to better health outcomes.

This plan will establish the need for the WICHC Community Engagement Workgroup and the Executive Committee (EC) to communicate to stakeholders how to partner with WICHC and the impact of collaboration. Through this plan, we can bring attention to the small and large wins, increase buy-in, increase awareness of impact and SDOH, and tell stories of our region’s community members.

What originally interested you in this research subject?

Community engagement work is at the forefront of collaboration within our communities, if we want to achieve better health outcomes we need to use targeted outreach strategies to increase awareness, sustain our relationships and educate the community.

How did your research mentor help facilitate the success of your research?

I worked with Alexis Pickering on this project — she was awesome! She is a part of the WICHC organization so we were able to collaborate with WICHC leaders on an in-depth level which helped a lot with the research and direction of the project.