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The Green Hub

Green hub poster page 1
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Green hub poster 2
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Boise State University, Department of Social Science and Public Affairs
William Hunt, Julian Lindsay, Quinn McDonald, Kyle Robb, Riki Sears

The Green Hub Concept

Why the Green Hub?

Boise State University lacks a comprehensive program designed to inform students and the community about sustainable practices employed by the university; current efforts are scattered and unorganized. There are many environmentally conscious activities currently taking place on campus that most people are unaware of that need to be brought to their attention.

Proposed Site

The East main entrance of the Student Union Building has been recommended by the director of the SUB as the home of the Green Hub. This area is suggested because it has the highest foot traffic.


The majority of this project will be funded by ASBSU. This process is currently taking place to obtain these funds. Any additional costs that ASBSU cannot fund, the SUB is going to cover

The Future of Green Hub


The Green Hub will be a constantly evolving informational center that keeps a fresh and updated look while creating an inviting, interactional, and positive experience. To prevent the Hub from becoming stale, new information provided by interns will keep the content new, interesting, and enlightening. Even with this constant evolvement, the information will still promote an environmentally sustainable theme that is  consistent of the ongoing organic, grassroots nature.


The Green Hub is located in the Student Union Building, so internships would be regulated through the SUB. Interns would periodically update information that they deemed relevant, interesting, and useful to the community and Boise State University. Interns will work closely with SUB directors, graphic designers and other entities to ensure that the “Green Hub,” is providing the most current and accurate information possible.

Expansion and Growth

Plans for expansion of the Green Hub would first begin throughout the SUB. There is a limitless potential for promoting environmentally  sustainability due to the SUB’s nature of heavy foot traffic and growing popularity. There are high hopes other colleges and buildings on  campus will catch on and eventually adopt an environmentally sustainable image.

Establishing a Need

The Green Hub group formulated a survey that was distributed amongst the student body at Boise State University. The survey consisted of
seven questions pertaining to establishing the need for having The Green Hub at BSU. These are the results

How much do you know about what BSU is doing to protect the environment?

  • 11% – Working knowledge
  • 24% – No knowledge
  • 63% – Little knowledge

How interested are you in learning more about what BSU is doing to protect the Environment?

  • 38% – High level of interest
  • 19% – No interest
  • 30% – Little interest
  • 81% – Some interest

How interested are you in learning more about how you can protect the environment?

  • 8% – I am well informed
  • 18% – No interest
  • 25% – Little interest
  • 54% – Some interest
  • 63% – High level of interest

If BSU offered information on campus about protecting the environment, would you use it?

  • 22% – No
  • 78% – Yes

How do you feel BSU compares to other Universities on average in its efforts to protect the environment?

  • 20% – Above average
  • 13% – Below average
  • 68% – Average

Growth of an Idea

Environmental Studies Undergrads introduced an idea to have a central location for student access to environmental and sustainable  information. Our ideas turned from simple posters into a large kiosk.


Below is the estimated budget. The budget is based on the estimates given by a design firm named Catapult3 and market prices of materials, with a 15 percent contingency. The Grand Total is $14,335.90.

  • Create and install structure, standing units – $8,766
  • Print and install all materials associated with the Green Hub – $2,000
  • TV, mount, coordinate electrical, and wiring – $1,500
  • Paint existing space – $200
  • 15% contingency – $1,896.90