Idaho Policy Institute Report to the Community – 2022
Idaho Policy Institute’s vision, mission, and values drive our work and ensure we meet the School of Public Service’s directive to embody the role of public servants. This report covers the first six academic years (2016-2022) of IPI’s work in the community.
Be an independent, nonpartisan resource for decision-makers.
Idaho Policy Institute’s staff, students, and faculty researchers provide objective research to inform decision-making. We help public, private, and nonprofit leaders use evidence-based practices to overcome challenges and navigate change. Innovation and a commitment to public service guide our research. All research is done with the goal to meet current and critical needs in communities.
Collaboration, Community Responsiveness, Educational Impact, Public Engagement, Research Integrity
Letter from the Director
In 2016, Boise State University leadership recognized the need for a statewide policy institute to serve as an objective research resource for Idaho’s decision-makers and Idaho Policy Institute was born. I am pleased to share this report to the community celebrating IPI’s impactful research and outlining how our work contributes to the School of Public Service and Boise State’s goals for the future.
As IPI’s co-founder, I’m thrilled to see the organization’s growth. We’ve expanded our work across the state supporting state agencies, local governments, nonprofits, and businesses. By supporting the efforts of government, business, and civil society, IPI helps Idaho leaders make evidence-based decisions to support a thriving economy and quality of life.
The success of IPI is foremost due to IPI’s dedicated staff and students who commit their time and talent to our work. They are innovative, entrepreneurial, immensely talented, and truly amazing colleagues. Our project partners and sponsors increase our success by providing us with research opportunities and funding to ensure IPI is responsive to community needs. Finally, the tremendous support from university leadership across many divisions enables IPI to grow and thrive.
In the years ahead, the IPI team, students, university leadership, and community partners will continue to contribute to the success of Idaho’s leading policy institute providing independent, nonpartisan resources for decision-makers.
Thank you for your continued support!
Vanessa Fry
Dr. Vanessa Fry
Associate Research Professor
- $2,420,962 awarded
- 89 sponsored projects
- 36 unsponsored projects
- 250+ press mentions
- 11,691 statewide survey respondents*
*IPI and SPS collaborate annually on the Statewide and Treasure Valley Surveys. The results provide vital information to policy makers about Idahoans’ opinions on numerous policy issues.
Aspirations for the Future
IPI created a strategic plan with the following aspirations to advance our mission and vision into the future. IPI’s research and aspirations align with Boise State’s Blueprint for Success.
- Stabilize Financial Model
- Diversify Outreach, Communication, and Impact
- Enable Student Success
- Pursue Research Innovation
- Support a Thriving Organization
- Develop and Strengthen External Relationships
- Develop and Strengthen Campus Relationships
IPI Milestones and Memories
- IPI’s Founding
- First project completed: Assessment of Idaho’s Transportation Infrastructure and Funding
- Sponsored projects totaled $430K in IPI’s first year
- Expansion of IPI staff
- Sponsored Projects total reaches $1M
- IPI went bowling!
- Gabe sets World Flag ID World Record
- Pivot to Remote Working
- IPI moves to ERB
- American Planning Association – Idaho Chapter Awards Mountain Home with Outstanding Plan Award
- First project for the governor’s office!
- IPI Receives First National Science Foundation Grant in Collaboration with The Peregrine Fund
- Sponsored Projects total reaches $2M
Look forward to IPI’s future of innovative research, impactful partnerships, and countless memories!