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January 2025

2025 is off with a bang! From releasing our Annual Statewide Survey, to announcing that we’re the recipient of a $1 million SIPPRA grant, to launching our new Instagram page (follow us @boisestate_ipi), to welcoming new interns – things have been busy. Read on to learn about everything we were up to in the month of January.



To learn more about the projects IPI has worked on this month please click through the project tabs.

Project Spotlight: Tenth Annual Public Policy Survey

Matthew May, Lantz McGinnis-Brown, Vanessa Fry, Anthony Bertelsen

Matthew May, Lantz McGinnis-Brown, and Anthony Bertelsen at a presentation for the 10th Annual Statewide Survey.

On January 17th, IPI publicly released the results of the 10th Annual Statewide Survey. Surveying 1,000 Idaho residents, the survey asked participants about Idaho policy, including questions on the economy, taxes, abortion, education, housing, and more. Key findings include:

  • Idahoans believe the state is headed in the right direction, showing an increase for the first time in six years.
  • More Idahoans expect Idaho’s economy to get better for the first time since 2020.
  • For the second consecutive year, workforce and affordable housing is Idahoans’ top overall legislative budget priority.
  • Increased teacher pay is Idahoans’ top education budget priority.
  • A majority of Idahoans say they oppose (53%) the use of tax dollars to pay for a private or religious school.
  • Nearly half of Idahoans (49%) say access to health care is difficult in the state.
  • 39% of Idahoans say increasing the number of immigrants helps Idaho’s economy, but that proportion grows to 46% when discussing legal immigrants specifically.
  • A majority of Idahoans (55%) believe that abortion should be permitted in Idaho through at least the first trimester. A majority (64%) also believe that exceptions for abortion access should be expanded.
  • A majority of Idahoans (51%) have concerns about the security of elections in the United States, but less than a quarter (22%) have concerns about the security in Idaho itself.
  • A majority of Idahoans are concerned about campaign spending by independent groups in Idaho.

The survey was conducted in November of 2024, with a margin of error of +/- 3.1%. You can read IPI’s full report here.

Project Spotlight: Hispanic Statewide Healthcare Plan

Maria Onaindia, Libbie Luevanos

Maria Onaindia presents findings at a legislative session with the Idaho Commission on Hispanic Affairs.

Our team recently completed the Hispanic Statewide Healthcare Plan with the Idaho Commission on Hispanic Affairs. Analyzing over 400 responses from focus groups at the 2nd Idaho Hispanic/American Indian Healthcare Conference, IPI found three areas of focus for decision-makers to prioritize in order to improve the healthcare experience for Hispanic Idahoans. They are:

– Improving Accessibility to Care

– Expanding the Healthcare Workforce in Idaho

– Engaging Idaho Communities

The report also highlights how Medicaid enrollment declined among Hispanic adults and children since Idaho’s Medicaid unwinding began in 2023; over 8,000 Hispanic individuals lost health coverage between March 2023 and November 2024.

To learn more and read the full report, visit Hispanic Statewide Healthcare Plan.

Student Involvement

Spring 2025 Interns

This spring, we have two new team members joining IPI. We’re excited to work with them!

Spencer Reed is a political science student at Boise State; he is interested in housing policy, active transportation, urban geography, political-economic problems, and redistributive policy. Olivia Dillon is a senior studying Urban Studies and Community Development with a certificate in Conflict Management; she has a passion for affordable housing and homelessness prevention.

Spacebar Arcade Liquor Licensing Project

Also in January, interns Kristi Spalding, Spencer Reed, and Olivia Dillon began a project with Spacebar Arcade. Completing a comparative analysis of liquor licensing laws around the United States, the final report will assess the economic, social, and community impact of Idaho’s liquor licensing laws.

Spencer Reed headshot


Spencer Reed
Spring Semester

Olivia Dillon headshot


Olivia Dillon
Spring Semester

Month in Review

12 presentations on Statewide Survey

As part of the rollout for the 10th Annual Statewide Survey, IPI researchers Matthew May and Lantz McGinnis-Brown conducted 12 presentations to a variety of stakeholders, including legislative leaders, statewide elected officials, House and Senate committees, School of Public Service faculty, community leaders, press, and members of the public. May and McGinnis-Brown also completed multiple media interviews as part of this process, including an appearance on Idaho Public Television’s Idaho Reports program.

Idaho Commission on Hispanic Affairs

On January 14th, Maria Onaindia and Libbie Luevanos presented their findings from the Hispanic Statewide Healthcare Plan to the Idaho Commission on Hispanic Affairs during a legislative session.

IPI in the News


  • Director

    Associate Research Faculty

    Vanessa Fry, Ph.D.

    Vanessa Fry, Ph.D.

  • Research Scholars

    Matthew May, Ph.D.
    Lantz McGinnis-Brown, Ph.D.

    Matthew May, Ph.D.
    Lantz McGinnis-Brown, Ph.D.

  • Research Associates

    McAllister Hall, MA
    Maria Onaindia, MAT
    Hannah Lang, MPS
    Emily Pape, MPP

    McAllister Hall, MA
    Maria Onaindia, MAT
    Hannah Lang, MPS
    Emily Pape, MPP

  • Research Administrator

    Britney Whiting-Looze

    Britney Whiting-Looze

  • Graduate Research Assistants

    Elijah Kuisachor
    Matthew Wordell

    Elijah Kuisachor
    Matthew Wordell

  • Graphic Designer

    Cameron Crites

    Cameron Crites

  • Interns

    Kristi Spalding
    Libbie Luevanos
    Olivia Dillon
    Spencer Reed

    Kristi Spalding
    Libbie Luevanos
    Olivia Dillon
    Spencer Reed