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5 1/2 Things About Boise State’s New President

Meet Boise State’s new president, Dr. Marlene Tromp! Here are a few random things to give you a sense of our new leader.

1) Dr. Tromp is the 7th president – and first woman president – of the university.

Those who preceded her are:

  • 2003-2018 Dr. Bob Kustra
  • 1993-2003 Dr. Charles Ruch
  • 1978-1991 Dr. John Keiser
  • 1967-1977 Dr. John Barnes
  • 1936-1967 Dr. Eugene Chaffee
  • 1932-1934 Bishop Middleton Barnwell

2) Dr. Tromp is a first-generation college graduate from Wyoming

“My dad worked a lot of overtime, and I worked several jobs to help pay the costs of my schooling. I understand what it’s like to be a first-generation college student.”

3) Dr. Tromp has an office in the administration building.

But she’s more often seen out and about on campus. Even when she’s in her office, she’s not lounging, but walking at her treadmill desk.

4) Dr. Tromp uses Twitter. A lot.

From August 24 – Bluebonic Plague: “An incurable & contagious passion for the Broncos. Symptoms may include blueing and oranging of clothing, skin, or hair; fatigued vocal cords; frenzied joy at competitions; & a love for all things @boisestatelive.” #BleedBlue

Keep up with her @MarleneTromp.

5) Dr. Tromp moved to Boise from Santa Cruz, California

Joining her are her 17 year-old son, 91 year-old mother, and dog Hamlin.

½) As seen on Facebook