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What is Student Life? Student Life is essentially a database of…well anything that pertains to students. It’s all the tools, wisdom, and up-to-date info we have to make your life a little easier. Think of it as a collection of stuff you can turn to that will help you when you need some advice, if you’re not quite sure how a certain process works, or if you just want to see what cool events are happening soon. It’s all good. We’ve got you. Here are some Student Life things you should know.

1) We’ve collected all the most important info on a website for you–it’s called “Student Life Essentials”

It’s your hub of everything you need to know. It’s how you get around all the different areas of Student Life. Things like: how to pay for school, career advice, how to join clubs, and how to balance being a student and also having a life. It’s all there for you in a single place, called Student Life Essentials. Easy peasy, right?

2) You can download the Boise State Mobile App right to your phone

The Boise State Mobile App is a must have for getting info on the go. You can check your grades, log-in to your student center, read all the 5 ½ Things right from your phone, and it even has your Bronco ID so you have quick access anytime you need to show it. It makes things a lot easier when you’re rushing from class to class across campus.

3) There’s a Student Life newsletter packed full of need-to-knows

There’s a monthly newsletter we send out at the beginning of each month which delivers you all the choice bits of breaking news you should know about. I promise we’ll only send you the newsletter, no junk mail.

4) We’ve got an Instagram account too!

Check us out on the ‘gram! We post fun stories from the blogs as well as student spotlights and other stuff we think you reeeeeally need to check out. Give us a follow! @boisestatestudentlife

5) You can check the Student Life calendar for fun stuff to do

Any fun events for students coming up, yeah, they’re on there. For example, there’s a whole week of awesome Bronco Welcome activities right around the corner. On the events page (filled with only student-centric events) you can see all the fun stuff going on that week–and so much more!

5 ½) Bonus tip: the blog has the real inside scoop

The Student Life blog is where you can find in-depth breakdowns of all things student-related. It’s where you can find other 5 ½ Things, student spotlights, personal stories from students, and expert tips on all kinds of topics throughout the semester.

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