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Building up my career for life after college

Venture College, CID, Allison Corona photo.

Boise State is full of hidden gems that students may not know how to find. One of these hidden gems is Boise State Career Services. Located in Boulder Hall directly across from the new Micron Center are amazing opportunities to jumpstart your career.

Career Services helped me tremendously by guiding me to the right career path. When I came to college, I was interested in journalism but wasn’t set on a specific type or topic. For so long, I thought that sports journalism would be too competitive and I would never make it into the industry. By setting up an appointment with Career Services, my dreams were looking like more of a reality.

What Career Services is all about

In my sophomore year of college, my coach for the Boise State Spirit Squad invited the Career Services’ associate director, Alex Gutierrez to speak to my team about the importance of a career after college. He talked about ways we can be preparing and services available to us as students. Ultimately their goal is to help students with any career planning needs. They offer career counseling, job search advising, workshops, networking events, career fairs, and more.

This past fall, a sports reporter position for The Arbiter opened up. I knew I wanted to apply, and I wanted my resume and cover letter to stand out but knew I needed help to make that happen. I sent my application documents to Alex and asked for his help. He was able to reconstruct everything and show me how a proper resume and cover letter should look. This was something I was never taught before. With his help, I was able to apply for the position with my best foot forward.

Alex gave me tips on things to include in my resume and how everything should be laid out. With my cover letter, he made sure whoever read it would understand the full capacity of who I am. If it weren’t for Alex and Career Services, I would not have felt confident applying for the position. After getting the job I started to find my passion for sports journalism. As a result, this year I will be working as the sports editor for The Arbiter.

Networking can go a long way

Once I made an appointment with a career counselor, I received information about applying for different positions, how to study for an interview, and ways to connect with future employers or individuals on LinkedIn. My counselor asked what field of sports I was most interested in. At the time, I wasn’t quite sure, but I knew I loved baseball and was around it for my entire life. Career Services and Alex were able to connect me with a sports reporter who graduated from Boise State.

Ashley Cox currently works as a Fox Sports reporter and is a stadium host for the Seattle Mariners and Sounders. Over the past year, she has also become a friend and mentor as I explore my options in the sports industry. She’s introduced me to other reporters and opportunities all while pushing me to work hard and chase my dreams. I would not have found such a passion for what I’m pursuing if it weren’t for the connections Career Services gave me.

Creating your professional profile

I’ve had more than one encounter with Career Services over this past year. Recently another advisor, Jamie Jensen, helped me set up my entire LinkedIn profile. At that point, I had an account but had no clue how to use it. Jamie helped me add prior positions and volunteer opportunities and even advised me on what background photo I should use. My employers, professors, and peers have told me that my LinkedIn looks very professional. All because of Career Services.

After all the guidance and advice I’ve received, I feel confident that Career Services will help me find a job after I graduate from Boise State. The best part about it is that all their services are free and they love helping students like us. I can’t recommend them enough. Make yourself an appointment with a career counselor and let them help jumpstart your life after college.

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