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Alumni Profile: Yung Stiffler ’19 is using her UXR skillset to improve the human experience


Program: UX Research ’19
Chief of Staff, Ventive
Current City: Boise, Idaho

Yung currently serves as Cheif of Staff for Ventive a company that manages all of the software design, development, and technical challenges behind the building and launching of successful digital products. Using the ethnography toolkit she gained from the UXR Certificate Program, Yung continues to find ways to improve the human experience.

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Alumni Profile

Future Proofing the Workplace with UXR

UXR Alum Yung Stiffler uses the toolkit of techniques she learned in the program to future-proof the workplace and help improve and shape human needs and interactions.

Video Transcript

[Intro Music]

>> YUNG STIFFLER: The UX program at Boise State has by far been my most absolutely favorite program and I think that students should definitely take it because it really helps students to reassess their understanding of the world. Specifically to the human interactions and needs.

It has helped me, and I feel like it will help a lot of students as well as gain this whole toolkit of techniques that they can use personally and professionally.

Because I’m able to use those toolkits I move much faster and I make decisions in a more efficient manner and a trusted decision where its not just a band-aid solution but it’s a future-proof long-term solution that benefits all internal and external processes and people. That’s what UX really has taught me. Is to be aware of the human needs and the human interactions and how that really feeds to each other and because of that I’m a trusted resources for the executive team both at Strike Advisory and also at Ventiv.

The program itself is only as great as its leader and the leader that I absolutely respect and have so much love for is Dr. Kendall House. He’s been fantastic with his leadership in the UX program and just being able to really fully support the students. I’ve graduated a few years ago but I’m very still connected to Kendall and talking about different opportunities and what’s the UX role in the world today.
