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Questions to ask your Academic Advisor

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Before you meet with your advisor, think about any questions or concerns. Use this handy list of questions to help you get started.

  1. What are the Disciplinary Lens courses and which ones to I need to take?
  2. What are the requirements for the major I’m considering?
  3. Do classes have to be taken in sequence?
  4. Can I change my major?
  5. How can I get my advising hold removed?
  6. What is Finish in Four?
  7. How many classes should I take each semester?
  8. How many credits do I need to be full time?
  9. Can I test out of any classes?
  10. What other resources are there I can take advantage of?
  11. What happens if I drop a class?
  12. Can I repeat a class?
  13. What happens if I’m on Academic Probation?
  14. What is SAP?
  15. What can you tell me about getting a minor?