Nominations may be made by any Boise State University employee, student, or alumni, and may include self-nominations. There are separate selection committees for each of the three award categories (see Selection Process below). Nomination letters should be addressed to the appropriate Selection Committee.
Nominators are responsible for submitting all required materials and are encouraged to work with nominees to gather them. All nomination materials should be submitted electronically to Spencer Kelly ( in the Provost’s office and should include:
1) Nomination statement
Nomination statement of no more than three (3) pages describing why the nominee deserves to be recognized with the Foundation Excellence Award. Cite specific examples of the nominee’s activities in the areas of teaching, service, and research/creative activities (as appropriate to the award category). Explicitly identify how the nominee has demonstrated outstanding performance in the areas identified above, as appropriate to their rank and position and within the context of the nominee’s workload assignments.
2) Nominee’s Curriculum Vitae
For team submissions include a CV/resume for each team member.
3) Letters of Support
Nominators should request at least three letters of support (but no more than five), one from each of the categories below:
a) External Letters
- At least one of these letters must be from an external source with expertise in the nominee’s areas of excellence. The external recommendation must outline the norms of excellence and distinction recognized in the discipline and situate the nominee’s work within those norms. In some cases, a community partner may be best positioned to make such a case.
- May include letters of support from faculty and staff and other colleagues not only at Boise State University but also other institutions and organizations, assessing the candidate’s record of achievements;
b) Student Letters (if applicable to the award category)
- Letters of support from present and former students
c) Internal Letters
- At least one of these internal letters must be a letter of endorsement from the nominee’s direct supervisor (e.g., relevant dean or and chairperson)
- Additional endorsement letters may include those from directors; colleagues, community members, etc.
Nominators should ensure that the letters not only reinforce the reasons the nominee should be considered for the award, but also address something not found in other parts of the nomination package. No more than five letters may be included in a nomination package.
After the Selection Committees review materials, nominees/finalists may be asked for additional materials and an interview may be conducted.