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Phased Retirement Guidelines

September 2009

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The Faculty Voluntary Phased Retirement Program is described and the Phased Retirement Agreement form is available in Boise State Policy 4470.

The following phased retirement guidelines are divided into three sections. Section one identifies retiree groups (based on the retiree’s age and retirement plan) and highlights specific rules that apply to each group. Section two contains guidelines applicable to all retirees participating in phased retirement. The third section details the steps in the phased retirement application process.


Group One – PERSI Retirees younger than age 65 (early retirees)

  1. PERSI mandates that early retirees (younger than age 65) have at least a 90-day break between the date of retirement and the date of reemployment with the same employer regardless of the number of hours worked when rehired. The effective date of retirement is normally the date the faculty contract ends (either in June or July). In order to complete the 90-day break of service, these retirees are required to either postpone phased retirement for one semester or have their faculty contracts paid off early which would have an impact on benefits. A meeting should be scheduled with HRS Benefits Administration to discuss both payment options.
  2. Summer school and intersession teaching would not be allowed unless the course ends on or before the date of retirement.
  3. PERSI retirees are required to complete a “Certification of Employment of a Retired Member” (RS-132) in Human Resource Services prior to beginning phased retirement.

Group Two – PERSI Retirees age 65 and above

  1. PERSI retirees age 65 and older must have at least a one-day break of service before beginning phased retirement. Summer school teaching is allowed if the course ends on or before their date of retirement or begins after the one-day break of service.
  2. PERSI retirees are required to complete a “Certification of Employment of a Retired Member” (RS-132) in Human Resource Services prior to beginning phased retirement.

Group Three – ORP Retirees (enrolled in TIAA-CREF or VALIC) age 55 and above

  • ORP Retirees age 55 and above must have at least a one-day break of service before beginning phased retirement. Summer school teaching is allowed if the course ends on or before their date of retirement or begins after the one-day break of service.


  1. Phased retirement earnings will be paid only during the scheduled work dates. Total combined earnings, including any appointments with the University in addition to the phased retirement agreement, cannot exceed 49% of previous contract earnings per semester.
  2. I-9: Because all retirees participating in phased retirement will be required to have at least a one-day break of service, the Department of Homeland Security requires the completion of an I- 9 on or before the date phased retirement begins. (If an I-9 is on file that was completed within the previous three years, a new I-9 will not be required.) The I-9 is to be completed in person in Human Resource Services, Room 218 , Administration Building and requires documentation that establishes both identity and employment authorization. A list of acceptable documents is available online at:
  3. Employment Action Forms (EAF): Two Employment Action Forms are to be generated by the department, one for processing the separation/retirement and the second to begin phased retirement. A comment should be included on the separation EAF that the faculty member will be doing phased retirement so that University accounts are not terminated. The department will also need to generate an EAF each additional year of approved phased retirement. Appointment to the program shall be for a specified period of time not to exceed three academic years.


Follow these guidelines in accordance with your Department and College practices:

Step 1

The individual makes a request to the Department Chair to consider possible phased retirement arrangements. (When the individual is the Department Chair, he/she would make a request to the Dean to consider possible phased retirement arrangements.) The Department Chair might recommend or require that the individual first consult with HRS Benefits Administration to discuss guidelines for specific retirement plans (PERSI, TIAA-CREF, VALIC) and to find out the impacts of various options on retirement and insurance benefits.

Step 2

The Department Chair meets with the individual to review the Faculty Voluntary Phased Retirement Program Policy (BSU 4470), discuss the needs and preferences of the individual and Department, and formulate an agreement. A department is under no obligation to grant a phased retirement that is not compatible with its needs.

Step 3

If the individual has not already done so, the individual meets with HRS Benefits Administration to ensure that the formulated agreement meets the requirements of the individual’s specific retirement plan. HRS may suggest alternative arrangements based on the individual’s circumstances.

Step 4

The individual submits the Faculty Voluntary Phased Retirement Agreement for Department Chair signature. The Department Chair may want to consult with the Dean prior to submitting the Agreement for further approval, especially regarding budget and workspace.

Step 5

The Department Chair submits the agreement (possibly revised after HRS review and further discussion with the individual) to the Dean for approval.

Step 6

The Dean approves (or disapproves) and submits the plan to the Provost for approval.

Step 7

The Provost approves (or disapproves) and communicates the decision to the Dean and Department Chair.

Step 8

The Department Chair communicates appropriate elements of the plan to department faculty and staff to inform colleagues and to indicate support for the individual.