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Strategic Planning in Academic Affairs

Blueprint for Success, the university’s strategic plan, focuses on five major areas — improve educational access and student success, innovate for institutional impact, advance research and creative activity, foster a thriving community, and trailblaze programs and partnerships.

University leadership developed the strategic plan by utilizing subcommittees and specialized workgroups as needed to brainstorm ideas, review campus feedback, identify challenges and barriers, and develop strategies. The Idaho State Board of Education approved Boise State’s new strategic plan in June 2021.

In Fall 2021, Provost Buckwalter asked all colleges, departments, and units within Academic Affairs to develop strategic plans that align with the university’s, using the same template to develop goals, strategies, and actions in ways that complement university strategy.

The results of these efforts are found at Academic Affairs Strategic Plans. Colleges may have additional information about their strategic plans on their respective websites.

The Office of the Provost also developed a strategic plan that aligns with the university’s Blueprint for Success. Implementation is ongoing.

Office of the Provost Strategic Plan 2021-2026

Goal 1: The Office of the Provost will provide effective service to Academic Affairs 


  1. Maintaining the Office of the Provost as an accessible, accurate, and timely resource for assistance for the campus community on items related to Academic Affairs.
  2. Provide service, guidance, and leadership to help increase collaboration of departments, colleges, and divisions.
  3. Increase the sense of belonging and connectedness, as well as communication, within the Office of the Provost and the campus community

Goal 2: Improve Educational Access, Student Success and Achievement


  1. Deepen our shared investment for student success throughout academic affairs
  2. Support colleges and departments to center student success and equity in the formal curriculum
  3. Support colleges, departments, and other units to provide high impact engagement and support for students.

Goal 3: Enhance Faculty / Staff Success and Satisfaction, and Support Leadership Development 


  1. Develop a process for applying an equity lens to the work of Academic Leadership and Faculty Affairs
  2. Provide robust leadership opportunities
  3. Provide robust faculty development opportunities
  4. Modernize policies and procedures related to faculty and administrative leadership
  5. Promote a more holistic model for valuing faculty work

Goal 4: Grow and Modernize Infrastructure to Support Decision Makers


  1. Strategy: Establish a coherent system of institutional knowledge management (integration of data sources for better reporting and analytics).
  2.  Review, revise, and expand process and support systems

Goal 5: Promote and Support Strategic Academic Planning


In partnership with departments and colleges, develop and enact a comprehensive strategic academic plan, which includes a method for prioritization of new academic program proposals and guiding principles in developing and discontinuing programs. Support an academic planning process for new programs and courses that is coordinated and strategic across academic affairs.