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Work U Application Guidelines

Your application is what we use to determine your level of interest in Work U and potentially place you into one of your selected opportunities. We are looking for students with a desire to learn from a mentor, grow in their professional skills, and find ways to reflect on their career goals and meaningful work. As such, you should attempt to articulate in detail why you want to participate and how participating will help you grow and succeed as a professional. All students are welcome to apply. Preference will be given to students approaching graduation and/or students who need professional experience.

Your written responses are the primary factor in determining your Work U placement. Supplementary information, such as GPA and class standing, are secondary considerations. Here is a little more about what we are looking for in your answers:

A strong application:

  • Clearly answers WHY you are selecting each of your Work U opportunities. Might include references to your professional goals, academic interests, and/or curiosity in the organization/industry.
  • Clearly demonstrates how your NEED aligns with your selected Work U opportunities. Might include information about your desire to gain professional experience, inability to work in industries that align with your professional goals, and barriers that have previously prevented you from these types of opportunities.
  • Describes how your INTERESTS align with the selected Work U opportunities. Might include references to willingness to learn, your sense of how you might fit within the organization’s current needs, and/or your overall desire to be a part of the larger mission of the organization. The more specific you can be, the better.
  • Demonstrates a level of QUALITY reflected in formal professional applications. It should be well-written, lack spelling and grammatical errors, and provide evidence of intention and effort put. This does not mean your application needs to be perfect but needs to show your thought process and clearly articulate your hunger for these experiences.

We also ask that you upload your resume with your application. We recognize that creating a resume might be new for you in your Boise State student experience. Take heart! The Career Services team is available and we strongly recommend that you make an appointment online should you desire assistance with your application.

Please note that you cannot save a draft of your answers and return later. If you find it easier, please answer the questions in a Word document and paste them into the application once you’ve completed all of them.

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