Frequently Asked Questions
Prior to acceptance
Is there a deadline for applying?
There is no official deadline for applications. Given that fall semesters begin close to the middle of August, we advise you submit an application before the start of summer. There is, though a deadline for our financial aid decisions: We will only consider you for funding if you apply by February 1 of the year that you plan to begin your studies.
Where can I find information about graduate tuition?
Find current graduate tuition on the Student Financial Services website.
Are GRE scores required?
We only require official scores for the GRE verbal, quantitative and analytical tests, if you do not have one semester of calculus and two semesters of statistics, with a grade of B or above on your college transcripts. Another exception is that of the Fast Track students (see below).
Do you require official GRE test scores?
In case that you do have to take the GRE, ETS submits official scores to the department electronically; for our information, please do report your scores in your application (e.g. in your cover letter). GRE scores are only valid for five years after the date of the test.
Are there any minimum GRE test scores?
In case that you do have to take the GRE, we do not have minimum required GRE scores. Higher scores obviously have a weight for our decisions.
What is the Economics department and major field GRE code?
In the ETS document, economics is listed as 1801.
What is Boise State’s institutional GRE code?
ETSÂ lists Boise State’s institutional code as 4018.
What are the institutional and department codes for IELTS and TOEFL? (Applies only to international students)
The institutional code for IELTS and TOEFL is 4018. We are not aware of any department codes.
How do I qualify for Fast Track Admission (and waive the GRE requirement)?
You must have an economics major or minor from Boise State, achieved a 3.5 GPA in your 300/400-level economics courses and a cumulative GPA of 3.3 at the time of application submission.
For Accelerated (4+1) students: Are there forms that need to be filled out prior to taking the graduate econometrics sequence?
Yes, two: (1) a Permit for Seniors to Take Graduate Courses form and (2) an Undergraduate Academic Adjustment form (both available on the registrar’s forms page) to allow specific graduate course to count for both an undergraduate and a graduate degree. The former needs to be filled out and submitted before the start of classes while the latter should be filled out and submitted after the beginning of classes. Note that there are potentially financial aid implications. If a student receives financial aid, he/she needs to contact Financial Aid after the Undergraduate Academic Adjustment form is submitted.
For traditional students: How can I register for a summer class, in the summer prior to starting the program?
This is important since you have to take ECON 501 during the summer prior to the fall you have been admitted for. You need to apply to the Boise State Graduate College as a non-degree seeking student and once admitted, register for the summer class. The Graduate College will waive the fee for this application.
For MSE students: What is the structure and typical length of a master’s thesis in economics?
The typical length of an Economics Master’s thesis varies between 40-80 pages, with content that is double-spaced, including figures and table but excluding references. For specific information on the structure of a thesis, you are advised to talk to the Graduate Program Coordinator. More information is available at the thesis and dissertation information page on the Graduate Student Success Center website.
For all students: What are requirements for creating independent study courses?
The graduate program coordinator AND the Graduate College has to approve independent study courses. The proposed course cannot be too similar or reference a similar existing course. The title of the independent study course must be unique, as does the related curriculum.