The Engineering and Innovation Living and Learning Community will see a new face next year. Instructor Lynn Catlin will be the new Faculty-in-Residence for the EIC for the 2021-2022 academic year.
Prior to joining Boise State, Lynn Catlin worked in industry for 20 years, including time in the semiconductor industry. He joined Mechanical and Biomedical Engineering in 2014 working with the ME senior design program. Meanwhile, Lynn has extended his teaching to include courses in HVAC systems. He’s also serving as the department Advising Coordinator and CAD Coordinator. In addition, May 2020 he completed his MBA degree.
Catlin follows Dr. Krishna Pakala in this role and is excited by the opportunities that lay ahead. Thanks go out to Dr. Pakala for seven years of leadership in the program as he moves forward in other campus roles.
The Living Learning Program (LLP) is made up of eight unique Living Learning Communities in the residence halls. They blend academics and daily life through classes, activities, and live-in professors. Students get more out of the Boise State experience in the LLP with more adventure, more community, and more learning opportunities.