Although what we think of as a “standard” standard approach to grading has been around for nearly a century, more and more people are adopting alternative grading frameworks. Rather than directly assigning points to each piece of student work, these grading systems are built to focus on student learning and the work that students do along the way. This approach incorporates a growth mindset, offering students greater autonomy, and providing more transparency in terms of how a student’s grade is determined. Some of these approaches are summarized later on, but let’s begin with some background on grading.
What’s the history of grading?

Teaching More by Grading Less (or Differently) by Jeffrey Schinske and Kimberly Tanner includes a great history of grading in higher education. In the 1850s, several universities were experimenting with grades, but most didn’t keep formal records of student performance. The letter grades used now gained widespread popularity in the 1940s – and little has changed since.
Why do we give grades?
In Teaching More by Grading Less (or Differently), Jeffrey Schinske and Kimberly Tanner suggest the following potential purposes for grades: (1) grades as feedback on performance, (2) grades as a motivator of student effort, (3) grades as a tool for comparing students, and (4) grades as an objective evaluation of student knowledge. It is worth considering if the grading approach used in your class is meant to serve any of these purposes – and the degree to which it might do so.
What’s wrong with traditional grading?
Alternative Grading: Practices to Support Both Equity and Learning by Adiana Streifer and Michael Palmer highlights some of the problems with traditional grading. Not only are grades problematic for students (e.g., by dampening motivation to learn and creating an adversarial relationship with their instructor), grades negatively affect instructors as well. In addition, traditional grades bear little relationship to learning. Perhaps most importantly though, traditional grading schemes can reinforce historic and continuing inequities in higher education.
So how else might we approach grading?
There are numerous alternatives to standard grading practices. The easiest to adopt might be a shift from norm-referenced grading (for example, grading on a curve or imposing a particular distribution of grades such that not everyone in the class can earn an A) to criteria-referenced grading (grading all students against a predetermined standard such that all students who meet a given standard can earn a certain grade in the course).
If you’re ready for something which strays from the standard approach even more, some of the alternative grading frameworks to consider include the following (see the references list for more information about each):
- Mastery-based grading: Grades are determined by the degree to which students have mastered course learning outcomes.
- Specifications grading: Grades are determined by the number/combination of assignments/requirements students have completed satisfactorily.
- Contract grading: Grades are determined by an agreement between student and instructor where students decide up front what grade to work toward and what must be done to earn it.
- Ungrading: Grades are determined by a conversation between the student and instructor – usually driven by student self-evaluation.
It’s worth noting that there’s some degree of overlap between these different approaches and the particular name attached to a grading system isn’t what is important. What IS important is that each of these is designed to assign grades in a different way from how it is traditionally done such that student effort and/or student learning is front and center. They also aim to give students more insight into how to earn a particular grade and more autonomy in how they work to do so.
Do people do this at Boise State?
Yes! There are instructors across campus who use these different methods in different disciplines and for different reasons. Here’s what a few of them have to say:
- Leonora Bittleston, Biology (specifications grading): “Students liked the approach and I received feedback that it took some pressure off of them. I was able to give more detailed/comprehensive feedback than I might have otherwise. With this grading framework, students have a chance to grow, learn, and improve. Students were happy to have the opportunity to resubmit assignments that did not meet standards, and I saw big improvements. Additionally, it felt easier to meet students where they were, and as though there was less room for (unconscious) bias to affect grades.”
- Jenn Mallette, Technical Communication (contract grading): “This moves the emphasis to attempts and effort (and process) over end product; students have the ability to revise and resubmit if needed. Many students (especially this past year) express a sigh of relief because they can focus on what they need to do”
- Serena Morales, Curriculum and Instruction (mastery based grading): “I use Mastery/Standards Based Grading because it privileges learning rather than grading. It makes learning visible to students by naming, describing, and modeling what it looks like to be successful for any given learning outcome or target, and embraces developmental feedback that encourages a feedback cycle that puts students in the center of their learning.”
- Matt Recla, History/University Foundations (ungrading): “I think it has more integrity—faculty aren’t as objective as we tend to think we are, and although it’s certainly not the only thing, it matters how students feel about the course and where they are in it. I often hear about growth in areas I never would have expected. It also aligns more effectively with messages such as ‘take charge of your own learning,’ ‘take risks,’ ‘be creative,’ etc. Students are much less likely to do that if you’re implicitly telling them ‘Do it my way or else’ with grades. ”
If you feel like you are ready to change your grading system to enhance intrinsic motivation, build in more transparency, and shift the focus of your grading to giving feedback, one of these approaches might be right for you! If you need help thinking through this or want to learn more, feel free to contact the Center for Teaching and Learning (
Grading Practices in General
- Teaching More by Grading Less (or Differently) by Jeffrey Schinske and Kimberly Tanner – a good overview of the history of grading, also lots of references about grading
- Grading student work from Vanderbilt Center for Teaching – good high-level overview
Specifications Grading
- Specifications Grading: Restoring Rigor, Motivating Students, and Saving Faculty Time (book) by Linda B. Nilson
- Yes, Virginia, there’s a better way to grade by Linda Nilson – essay which summarizes specifications grading process
- Alternative grading practices: An entry point for faculty in competency‐based education by Matt Townsley and David Schmid – includes lots of references about mastery-based grading, standards grading, and specifications grading (including examples of their use in lots of different disciplines)
- Example of specifications grading in use: calculus
Mastery Based Grading
- Alternative grading practices: An entry point for faculty in competency‐based education by Matt Townsley and David Schmid – includes lots of references about mastery-based grading, standards grading, and specifications grading (including examples of their use in lots of different disciplines)
- Questioning points and percentages: Standards-based grading in higher education by Tom Buckmiller et al. in College Teaching (2017), vol. 65, no. 4, pp. 151-157
- What does it mean to meet at standard? by David Clark – discusses how we know if a student has “cleared” a learning standard
Contract Grading
- Labor-based grading contracts: building equity and inclusion in the compassionate writing classroom by Asao B. Inoue – seminal work in this grading approach
- Special issue of The Journal of Writing Assessment about contract grading
- Grading contracts 101 from SUNY Cortland
- Ungrading: A bibliography by Jesse Stommel – an annotated bibliography about some of the most well-known (and useful) sources about grading; Jesse has lots of great articles on the topic
- Ungrading: What is it and why should we use it? by Clarissa Sorenson-Unruh – about her experiences with ungrading in chemistry
- When grading less is more by Colleen Flaherty – good overview of how ungrading is used by many different people and benefits of doing so
Other Useful Ideas
- Why students should be allowed to grade themselves by Madeline Grimm
- New ways of encouraging and assessing participation by Kirby Conrod
Written by
Dr. Megan Frary
Coordinator for Graduate TA Support, Boise State Center for Teaching and Learning
Associate Professor, Micron School of Materials Science and Engineering