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Video Transcript – Remotely Recorded Panopto Video

Video Transcript

[Paul Bentley, Director, Professional and Continuing Education]: Well welcome back, I’m just excited about today’s session. I get excited about all the sessions because I love the idea of servant leadership. I love the idea that there’s gonna be something in each one of these modules that you’re going to be able to align your life with, you’re gonna, you’re gonna make some discoveries about yourself and about the entire world of servant leadership. So as we get into this today what we’re going to discuss is the organization built around servant leadership. So you’re gonna see in your screen a model, and this model is adapted from a book, I really like the book, called the Seven Pillars of Servant Leadership, and graciously the authors have allowed me to use a blank model and it to adapt it to our own needs and and so we’re gonna actually kind of play around with this model today to help understand the organization that houses a servant leader, or the servant leader that creates that organization. So as we look at it, you’re going to see that this model has a foundation. There are two elements that are important to the foundation of every organization that wants to be a servant organization. You’re going to see above that the seven pillars of a servant leader’s behavior. So this is really the more personal servant leader, they’re the characteristics and behaviors you would see modeled within this kind of organization by the leadership. Now we’re going to use most of the rest of this time in the following modules discussing each one of those pillars, so I’m not going to spend a lot of time with that today. Then at the top, what’s called the cornice, there are three parts of that model that represent the three people groups that we serve in order. So comprehensively we have a foundation that is essential to every organization, we have at the top those three people groups that that organization is attempting to serve, and then we have the pillars that hold this all together which is the servant leader or the servant leadership organization that represents you see these seven components. So as we get in it today I’m going to challenge you a little bit because I’m going to give you the test before you get the lesson. Just like life, most of the time we don’t get to study before we have something come up teach us how we ought to live. Because here’s the deal I believe inside your mind you already know what this organization ought to look like. I think I’ve used this quote before but CS Lewis says there must be an absolute right because everybody knows what it is for everybody else. You absolutely are wired to know the kind of organization you would like to work in. So as you design your model, as you label this model as we go through this exercise, I want you to think to yourself “If I were in this organization what would the foundation look like? Who are the people that we serve, and more importantly, what would be those seven really important characteristics or behaviors that I would want to exemplify in the organization?” So, let’s get started.