The American Nuclear Society annually recognizes promising young researchers and concepts, and this year, five of them represent Boise State. Micron School of Materials Science and Engineering students Sarah Cole, Kyle Holloway, Addie Lupercio, Kaelee Novich and Timothy Phero are recipients of prestigious American Nuclear Society awards that will empower their research and education to new levels.
Meet Addie Lupercio

Addie Lupercio is the recipient of the Fuel Cycle and Waste Management Division John Randall Scholarship of $5,000, which will enable Lupercio to conduct a six-month internship at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Oak Ridge, TN.
At this internship, Lupercio will be working in the Nuclear Fuel Development Section. Her research is focused on the mechanical and thermophysical properties of Advanced Technology Fuels for the advancement of nuclear energy.
“We have been using the same uranium dioxide nuclear fuels in the U.S. Light Water Reactor fleet since the 60’s. We are finally making rapid advancements in not only reactor design but fuel compositions and material systems. I am excited to be a part of helping to propel the progression of these advanced nuclear enabling technologies.”
Since 2017, Lupercio was also awarded the University Nuclear Leadership Program undergraduate scholarship, and the same program’s fellowship two years later.
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