For additional fee details and per credit fees for Alternative Fee Programs (including Online and Self-Support program) please see the complete information on the Student Financial Services Tuition and Fees website, including Graduate Tuition and Fees and a full listing of Alternative Fee Programs. If the student is taking any courses that are self-support or designated as alternative fee programs, the amount of standard tuition and the amount of the alternative fee must be listed separately when submitted to the graduate college. As some funds have restrictions on the type of courses they can be used for, consult with your department or unit’s business manager if the GA has alternative fees.
If the department will be paying additional fees for the GA, (i.e. course fees, lab fees, student ID, or internet fees) they may be included with the initial Graduate Assistant Tuition and Fee Payment Request submitted to the Graduate College or added at a later date by selecting the Additional Fee option at the beginning of the form. Submit additional fees prior to the fee payment deadline to ensure that late fees will not be posted to the student’s account.
If tuition or fee amounts change, or if the funding source changes, please submit a revised tuition and fee payment request form and select the revision option. Please note that revisions to funding will only be accepted prior to tenth day. Changes made after tenth day will require the funding to be updated at the department level via the correcting entry process.