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Statewide Survey on Idaho’s Sagebrush Landscapes and Rangelands

Photo Credit: Kelly Hopping

Information for Participants

Boise State University, Idaho State University, and the Idaho Rangeland Resources Commission have partnered to conduct a statewide study of Idaho residents to measure opinions on public lands, sagebrush landscapes, and rangelands and how they should be managed in the state. The results from this survey will be used to inform education and management of public lands in Idaho. Your opinions are valuable on this topic, regardless of your level of experience with these landscapes.

Responsive Management has been contracted to conduct the statewide study of Idaho residents. If you are contacted about this study, either via phone or online, please consider participating in the study to assist us in better understanding opinions on and attitudes toward public lands. You may receive a phone call at home or on your cell phone for this study, and it will be from a Boise area phone number.

If you have any questions about the study, please contact; Haley Netherton-Morrison, Human-Environment Systems PhD student, at or Dr. Kelly Hopping, Assistant Professor, Human-Environment Systems, at



Haley Netherton-Morrison, Boise State University
Kelly Hopping, Boise State University
Morey Burnham, Idaho State University
Rebecca Som Castellano, Boise State University
Matt Williamson, Boise State University
J. D. Wulfhorst, University of Idaho
Gretchen Hyde, Idaho Rangeland Resources Commission



This project is supported by the NSF Idaho EPSCoR Program and by the National Science Foundation under award number OIA-1757324.

Idaho EPSCoR, logo

GEM3, Genes by environment, Modeling, Mechanisms, Mapping - logo




The statewide survey is also supported through our partnership with the Idaho Rangeland Resources Commission.

Idaho Rangeland Resources Commission