Online MA
ONLINE MA for Educators
Welcome, we know you may have many questions about this new ONLINE MA. One key question though is funding. This is probably our number one question we receive. Other than traditional forms of financial aid such as student loans (that we know you want to avoid) there is financial aid available specifically for secondary education teachers.
- Title II-A federal dollars are available in every district for professional development. Title II-A is called “Supporting Effective Instruction”.
- There is also a smaller allocation given to school districts with lots of flexibility called Title IV-A “Student Support and Academic Enrichment”.
- Descriptions for these programs and their allowable uses can be found at the state department website under the “Federal Programs” link at
- Every district adopts plans for how they will use these funds as part of their annual application for the funds.
What our new program looks like is detailed below:
The ONLINE experience will be in two forms.
- Entire class is on ZOOM with instructors who have training and experience in conducting such classes.
- An in person class that has the MA Educator students ZOOM in. We have upgraded our technology to allow for a quality experience where you will feel like you are in the room with the in person students. The in person classes are also very small so everyone ZOOMING in will not be overshadowed by the in person class. Participation of the online students will be seamless and easy.
Year 1
History 503 (3 cr) History for Advanced Secondary Educators:
This class sets the tone for your entire time here. Crafted by a veteran secondary educator and professor, this class asks students to think about new ideas in teaching. All incoming students in the Educator Track will take this course together. In fact, as you progress through the program you will interact with your cohort quite often allowing you to develop a support network with fellow students.
History 504 (1 cr) Master Teacher Practicum Lab:
The Practicum lab is a course that will be facilitated by a master teacher with vast experience as a secondary educator. This lab gathers together students from your cohort, as well as others, and works to get the new ideas and information learned in classes into practical use in the classroom in real time – classes you may be teaching at that moment. Entire class is on zoom
History 500 (3 cr) The Nature of History:
Here also the entire cohort you are a part of takes this class together. This class delves into the complex nature of historical causation and will begin the student process of undergoing graduate level research into a field of the student’s choice by looking at the historiography of that subject. Entire class is on zoom.
History 504 (1 cr) Master Teacher Practicum Lab:
History 501 (3 cr) Practice of History:
This class works off of the historiographical work in History 500 and guides you into writing a serious graduate level research paper on your topic based upon primary sources. Entire class is on zoom.
History 504 (1 cr) Master Teacher Practicum Lab:
Year 2
History 58x elective (3 cr):
Now you will begin taking elective classes. We will have several to choose from. This is where you may begin remotely zooming in to in person classes
History 504 (1 cr) Master Teacher Practicum Lab:
History 58x elective (3 cr)
History 504 Master Teacher Practicum Lab (1 cr)
History 58x elective (3 cr)
History 504 Master Teacher Practicum Lab (1 cr)
Year 3
History 58x elective (3 cr)
History 504 Master Teacher Practicum Lab(1 cr)
History 58x elective (3 cr)
History 504 Master Teacher Practicum Lab (1 cr)
History 592 Portfolio (1 cr):
This class, entirely on zoom, offered in the summer when you can put your full attention to it, asks you to put together what you have learned over three years into a professional portfolio. It is the capstone class for the degree and is where you will show off and be proud of what you have done.
Graduate Total
33 Credits
You have finished a 3 year MA program that will enhance your teaching and ideally be very fulfilling, where you might even have made new friends and professional connections. Seriously, we hope you think about applying to our program. We enjoy what we do, and we hope to help you with what you do, and we know that’s both a tough but rewarding career.