Step 1: Register Internship for Academic Credit
If you are completing an Internship H-Option for Work U, your professional teaching experience, or clinicals, skip to Step 2.
Otherwise, you must register your internship for academic credit in order to qualify for an Internship H-Option. Typically, you will apply for internship credit through your major and not through Honors. You will earn Honors credit by completing the reflection essays described here. To apply for internship credit, visit the Career Center’s internship page.
Step 2: Review the Reflection Essays
Navigate to the tab above labeled “Reflection Essays” and review the requirements of earning H-Option credit for your internship.
Step 3: Submit an Application
Submit the online application form, agreeing to the completion description and providing information about your internship.
Click here to submit an internship H-Option application
Step 4: Write and Submit Essays
Follow the completion instructions found on the next tab and submit your essays to Honors College by the Monday of Finals Week.