Fellowship Program
Each year, Phi Kappa Phi awards 50 Fellowships of $8,500 each, six of $20,000 each and two of $35,000 to members
entering their first year of graduate or professional study. Each chapter may select one candidate from its local
applicants to compete Society-wide.
Requirements: Active membership or acceptance to Phi Kappa Phi, acceptance full-time to the first year of post-graduate education for the coming year, application submitted to Boise State Chapter by April 3.
Note: The Boise State University chapter may nominate one student for fellowship awards. PKP members who want to apply must be current on dues payments. If you would like to be nominated for a PKP fellowship in 2020, send your application materials to Kate Huebschmann, chapter secretary, no later than April 1, 2020. A committee will review the applications and will select one to go on.
More information and application materials about the Fellowship Program