The Story of Viet Nam: From Prehistory to the Present (Ann Arbor: Association of Asian Studies, 2013)

“For those who are looking for a very well informed introduction to Viet Nam–from its semi-mythical beginnings some 5,000 years ago all the way up to the twenty-first century–this is the book.” -Review of The Story of Viet Nam.
Japan: An Illustrated History (New York: Hippocrene Books, 2004)

“…This book is unrivaled in its clarity, simplicity and comprehensive coverage. It is so easy to digest the variety of periods and players. It does an excellent job of explaining complex ideas. It also does a good job of covering social, military, cultural and religious histories. If that isn’t enough it is an enjoyable read too.” -Craig Angus’ review of Japan: An Illustrated History.
Vietnam: A Global Studies Handbook (Santa Barbara: ABC-CLIO, 2002)

“…users have a useful, compact, and authoritative handbook on Vietnam, including its past and present….Vietnam’s economy, institutions, society, and contemporary issues receive thoughtful treatment…The author’s style is well organized…[This] contribution to our understanding of Vietnam is valuable, well researched, and well written.” -American Reference review of Vietnam: A Global Studies Handbook.
A Broken Mirror: Protestant Fundamentalism in the Philippines

“Dr. Woods’s research and work on the Philippines is excellent. He is a world known specialist on Ilocano culture and the Ilocano region…He combines history, culture and society in his research. His book is a must read.” -Review by Dr. Belinda Aquino, Director of the Center for Philippine Studies, University of Hawaii, at Manoa.
Vietnam: An Illustrated History (New York: Hipporcene Books, 2001)

“Tragic and heroic—these two words capture the essence of Vietnam’s history. These terms are consciously placed in sequence because no matter what difficulties Vietnam faces, there is a triumph in its people that transcends immediate troubles. The Vietnamese, a people historically dominated at various points by imperialist nations including China, Japan, France, and the United States, have never lost their identity. That alone is a remarkable feat, and a testament to the rich and deep culture that pervades Vietnamese society.” -Review of Vietnam: An Illustrated History.
Valley County Idaho: Prehistory to 1920, edited by Shelton Woods (Donnelly, Idaho: Action Publishing Company, 2002)

“Valley County is located in the heart of Idaho and this book comes from the hearts of Idahoans. Time has a tendency to fade the memories of our history and yet, understanding where we came from is a key element in knowing where we are going….[This book] has succeeded in capturing a part of the history that makes Idaho special. ” -Review by Dirk Kempthorne, U.S. Secretary of the Interior.