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Park Apartments – FAQ 2023


We understand that the recent news about the city’s approval to purchase the University Park Apartments may raise questions among our valued residents. We want to provide you with information and address your concerns.

What is happening with Park Apartments?

On September 20th, 2023 the city purchased Park Apartments as part of a land exchange purchase agreement. Boise State is temporarily leasing back and maintaining the property, ensuring current license agreements are not interrupted through the May 31, 2024 end date.

Why is this happening?

The university is partnering with the City of Boise to ensure the improved development of the district for future years. The sale of Park Apartments enables the redevelopment of a larger adjacent property, also in the Lusk neighborhood, that will provide a mix of uses benefiting students and the community.

When is Park going offline?

This summer. Current rental agreements will be maintained through May 31, 2024. Renewal for Fall of 2024 will not be an option in Park Apartments.

When will I need to move out of my apartment at Park?

You will need to vacate your apartment at Park Apartments on or before May 31, 2024, which marks the end of your license agreement.

Do I need to worry about housing for next year?

We recommend that you proactively begin your search for alternative accommodations, as Park Apartments will not be available for license renewals in the upcoming year.

Will my license be renewed?

No, license renewals will not be available as we will no longer own or lease the building. We advise current tenants to begin exploring alternative housing options. Park Apartments will no longer be part of Boise State’s housing inventory following May 31, 2024.

Will the University help me find housing?

We provide valuable off-campus resources to assist you in finding suitable housing options. You can explore the Boise State Off-Campus Housing Marketplace, which offers listings and information to aid in your search.

If I find another housing option am I able to break my license with the University?

Yes, you have the option to be released from your lease if you secure alternative housing that begins before the end of your license term. To initiate the early release process, you’ll need to complete a Release Request Form in the housing portal and follow the steps for a proper check-out. Park residents who request release on or after April 1, 2024 will be released from their license without penalty. Check-out requirements and move-out fees still apply.

What housing options are available to me?

We recommend exploring housing options through our Off-Campus Marketplace, which provides a range of off-campus housing listings. Additionally, keep an eye out for information about our Spring 2024 off-campus housing fair where you can discover even more housing opportunities and connect with potential landlords.

How much notice do we need to give to vacate?

We request a 30-day notice for vacating your apartment. To provide this notice, you can complete a Release Request Form through your housing portal.

Who do I reach out to about the move out process?

Please get in touch with us by emailing the front desk at to request details about the move-out process.

What happens to my security deposit?

Upon completing a proper check-out procedure, your security deposit will be refunded and credited back to your student account within 30 days, less any damage or cleaning fees.