Not Transmitting: no data since 12/4/17
Alpha Flag Code:
Capture date:
May 9, 2017
Near MPG Ranch, Florence, MT
IBO Biologist Christian Meny helped release this bird with the help of his daughter. Together, they decided to name this fellow Gus! (Gus also shares his leg flag initials with IBO research biologist Jessica Pollock!)
Gus’s breeding grounds are located near the beautiful MPG Ranch in western Montana. This conservation area consists of more than 15,000 acres of undeveloped landscape where scientists specialize in restoration and ecology research. Through this collaboration, we have had the amazing opportunity to learn more about the Long-billed curlews that live at MPG and the surrounding private lands that have very little human impact. Thanks to Gus and his transmitter, we were able to track his migration from MPG ranch to his wintering grounds in Chihuahua, Mexico! Unfortunately, Gus’s transmitter malfunctioned over the winter so we aren’t able to track his locations any more.