Strategic Plan
Boise State Vision
To be a premier student-success-driven research university innovating for statewide and global impact. The trailblazing, innovative character that has always defined Boise State will help us foster student success, advance Idaho and Idahoans, and strengthen our culture of innovation and impact.
Boise State Mission
Boise State provides an innovative, transformative, and equitable educational environment that prepares students for success and advances Idaho and the world.
Albertsons Library Mission
We are expert partners in the research, learning, and teaching endeavors of our campus community, connecting people and resources to transform lives.
Albertsons Library Strategic Plan
University Goal 1 – Improve Educational Access and Student Success
University Strategy 2 – Integrate career education and experiential learning opportunities into the curriculum and the student experience to improve career readiness and post-graduation outcomes.
Library Strategy 1.1 – Deliver a comprehensive instruction program that helps students learn to responsibly engage with information
- Tactic 1.1.1: Teach students basic information literacy skills
- Tactic 1.1.2: Identify new opportunities in instruction and develop strategies to deliver and scaffold instruction in these areas
- Tactic 1.1.3: Teach students to utilize emerging technology and maker tools using an experiential learning model.
- Tactic 1.1.4: Partner with the SERP program and others who serve at risk students to provide needed library resources and support to the identified target groups.
- Tactic 1.1.5: Participate in the Concurrent Enrollment program, introducing high school students to academic library resources and research techniques.
University Strategy 3 – Expand educational access for all Idahoans through improved outreach, communication, financial aid, philanthropy, online resources and education.
Library Strategy 1.2 – Provide access to a wide array of resources, including library collections, research assistance, and technology, to meet our patron’s diverse needs.
- Tactic 1.2.1: Offer a variety of online resources to provide point of need research support.
- Tactic 1.2.2: Provide library collections that support education and research needs, utilizing a variety of methods for access.
- Tactic 1.2.3: Provide access to a wide array of technology
Library Strategy 1.3 – Lead the university in adopting new approaches to providing access to affordable course materials.
- Tactic 1.3.1: Lead the university in adopting new approaches to providing low or no cost access to course materials through the use of affordable learning materials and the adoption, adaptation, and/or creation of Open Education Resources.
- Tactic 1.3.2: Explore, and as appropriate, adopt Controlled Digital Lending (CDL) for course reserves and for other educational purposes.
- Tactic 1.3.3: Develop a campus-wide OER grant program that incentivizes the adoption, revision, or creation of OER content for use in the Boise State curriculum.
University Goal 2 – Innovation for Institutional Impact
University Strategy 1 – Create an enduring culture of innovation.
Library Strategy 2.1 – Provide all students access to emerging and research technologies.
- Tactic 2.1.1: Provide a variety of emerging technologies (technologies that have made it to “market” but not yet ubiquitously adopted).
- Tactic 2.1.2: In collaboration with campus research partners, provide instruction on research lifecycle technologies and software.
University Strategy 2 – Build scalable university structures and align philanthropic and strategic investments that support innovation.
Library Strategy 2.2 – Redesign library services to meet current patron needs and to utilize sustainable strategies.
- Tactic 2.2.1: Update library spaces to provide new, flexible furniture, rearranging the layout and use of public and staff areas, and increasing flexible use of the facilities to support student success.
- Tactic 2.2.2: Create an integrated, single-service point (A.S.K. area) that provides point-of-need support and serves as a conduit to other library services.
- Tactic 2.2.3: Advance the liaison program so that high quality, specialized research support is provided in a sustainable way across the University.
- Tactic 2.2.4: Migrate the library’s services platforms to a new system specifically designed to support electronic and online resources.
- Tactic 2.2.5: Increase collection, preservation, and accessibility of University Archives through system-wide planning, policy development, resource allocation, and personnel
- Tactic 2.2.6: Plan, develop, and implement a digital preservation infrastructure.
University Goal 3 – Advance Research and Creative Activity
University Strategy 1 – Provide the physical space, policies, information systems, technology, budgetary and human resources to sustain and grow research and creative activities.
Library Strategy 3.1 – Provide resources to sustain and grow research and creative activities.
- Tactic 3.1.1: Provide point-of-need consultations on the research lifecycle, trends and innovations in academic publishing, open practices, copyrights.
- Tactic 3.1.2: Provide advisory and data management plan drafting services in support of grant proposals and ongoing research project management.
- Tactic 3.1.3: Ensure free, world-wide access to Boise State scholarship by developing and maintaining an institutional repository (IR).
- Tactic 3.1.4: Digitize rare and unique library, government, and archival materials to increase access.
University Goal 4 – Foster Thriving Community
University Strategy 1 – Advance a learning and working environment dedicated to the flourishing, sense of belonging, and freedom of expression among all students, faculty, staff, alumni and friends of the university.
Library Strategy 4.1 – Create a library environment that supports learning, the flourishing sense of belonging, and freedom of expression among all students, faculty, staff, and community members.
- Tactic 4.1.1: Support students in achieving academic success by creating spaces, policies, and a culture that enables a sense of belonging and freedom of expression.
University Strategy 2 – Create a comprehensive, whole-employee experience that aligns university resources and is designed to enhance employee well-being and career growth at the university.
Library Strategy 4.2 – Ensure a library workforce who have the level of professional skill and expertise needed for a modern academic library.
- Tactic 4.2.1: Obtain funding to complete the New Professional Job Standards and Reclassification of Classified Positions project
University Strategy 4 – Foster a sustainable campus that is both environmentally and socially responsible as well as economically feasible.
Library Strategy 4.3 – Foster an open and sustainable research infrastructure.
- Tactic 4.3.1: Advocate for and assist in developing an open research ecosystem.
- Tactic 4.3.2: Continue to investigate and develop tools, guidance, and technologies that provide an open and equitable research infrastructure increasing the discovery of Boise State scholarship
University Goal 5 – Trailblaze Programs and Partnerships
University Strategy 2 – Expand partnerships across Idaho to ensure rural communities have access to high-quality educational programming that fits their needs.
Library Strategy 5.1 – Cultivate relationships with donors and ensure the stewardship of gifts in support of the library’s mission and goals.
- Tactic 5.1.1: Create an internal infrastructure to consistently manage relationships with donors
- Tactic 5.1.2: When using existing funds, identify specific financial needs and establish related donation goals or spending plans
Library Strategy 5.2: Identify opportunities and partnerships to bring library resources and education across the state.
- Tactic 5.2.1: Re-envision the Idaho Center for the Book to create statewide engagement in programming, exhibits, and other activities.
- Tactic 5.2.2: Investigate and implement as appropriate statewide software that provides access to Idaho-produced research and scholarship to ensure access, highlight the return on investment, and connect higher education with Idaho residents
University Strategy 3: Create interdisciplinary structures to facilitate meaningful connections and experiences for students, faculty and staff.
Library Strategy 5.3: Create interdisciplinary library systems to facilitate meaningful connections and experiences for the campus and the community.
- Tactic 5.3.1: Identify and increase opportunities to work with campus departments, industry and business, and community groups to create paid internships.
- Tactic 5.3.2: Provide library expertise to campus departments, industry and business, and community groups to foster growth and create new opportunities.