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Dr. Michal Temkin Martinez co-chairs Conference on Scholarly Teaching and SoTL in Linguistics

Dr. Michal Temkin Martinez, chair of the Linguistics Department, co-chaired the 2023 Conference on Scholarly Teaching and SoTL in Linguistics. The conference, the first of its kind, was co-chaired by Dr. Kazuko Hiramatsu, Temkin Martinez’s longtime collaborator, and took place at the University of Massachusetts Amherst during the Linguistic Society of America’s linguistic institute this summer. The conference received support from the National Science Foundation’s Improving Undergraduate STEM Education directorate.

The conference provided two days of intentional engagement, featuring two invited plenary sessions with 20 peer-reviewed presentations and two invited plenary presentations on the teaching of linguistics by Dr. April Baker-Bell (University of Michigan) and Dr. S. Raj Chaudury (University of Southern Alabama).

The organizing committee for the conference included members of a faculty learning community that Temkin Martinez and Hiramatsu have been facilitating since 2019, and graduate associate Alison Elliott, a Boise State graduate student in the MA program in Interdisciplinary Studies. Conference organizers developed an inclusive, hybrid conference structure grounded in a conference philosophy that integrated multiple opportunities for participants to engage in guided reflection.

Video recordings of conference presentations are available on the conference website.