Equipment & Facilities
MCMR 128
Turnkey Equipment
UV-Vis-NIR absorption spectrometer (Agilent, Cary 5000)
Circular dichroism spectrometer (JASCO, J-1500)
Steady-state fluorescence spectrometer (Horiba, Fluorolog-QM)
Features a double excitation monochromator, a single emission monochromator, and photomultiplier tube with a spectral response from 185 to 980 nm. The wavelength accuracy of the spectrometer is +/- 0.3 nm and the excitation and emission wavelength resolution is determined by the corresponding slit widths (spectral bandpass).
Time correlated single photon counting spectrometer (PicoQuant, FluoTime250)
Features six picosecond pulsed pump lasers with excitation wavelengths (pulse durations) in units of nm (ps) of 315 (800), 405 (<50), 510 (<130), 561 (<80), 594 (<100), and 655 (<90) along with an emission monochromator (whose grating is blazed at 500 nm), hybrid photomultiplier tube with a spectral response from 220 to 850 nm (and typical temporal resolution of ~50 ps), and timing module with temporal resolution of 4 ps.
Custom Equipment
Stark (electro-) absorption spectrometer
MCMR 132
Core Equipment
Ti:sapphire-based regeneratively amplified laser (Coherent, Astrella)
Semi-Turnkey Equipment
Optical parametric amplifier (Coherent, OPerA Solo)
Femtosecond transient absorption spectrometer (Ultrafast Systems, Helios)
Femtosecond fluorescence upconversion spectrometer (Ultrafast Systems, Halcyone)
Custom Equipment
Two-dimensional electronic spectrometer
MCMR 136
Turnkey Equipment
UV-Vis absorption spectrometer (Agilent, Cary 60)
Core Equipment
Ti:sapphire-based regeneratively amplified laser (Coherent, Legend Elite)
Semi-Turnkey Equipment
Optical parametric amplifier (Coherent, OPerA Solo)
Custom Equipment
Femtosecond coherence spectrometer
- Vis absorption spectrometer