Video Transcript – Student Testimonials
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[Stephanie Shawver, Acute Care Adult Gerontology Nurse Practitioner Program] So I think this graduate degree program will enhance my professional career by allowing me to enhance areas where I have talent that’s been built up in my career as an RN. But then also enhance and help me build upon where I have some some weaknesses and turn those into strengths and that’s been the primary focus I think this clinical year is building myself up.
[Angela Butti, Primary Care Adult Gerontology Nurse Practitioner Program] I’ve been a bedside nurse for 15 years and I have worked primarily in the emergency department during that entire time and I’ve always been on the receiving end of patients when they’re essentially in a health crisis. Aand I didn’t feel like I was able to do much in that role to help people be healthier. I was just my entire career has been slapping Band-Aids on people. And so my thought going into this program was that I wanted to catch people you know at the beginning stage of how their health experience to kind of help them to avoid getting to that place.
[Nick Crusius, Acute Care Adult Gerontology Nurse Practitioner Program] My hope is that this program will give me the tools to make that next step, to further my education, to further my training to further my practice, and further globally educate myself on what it’s like to be a nurse practitioner. At least you know get my feet wet and take it take to the next step and see what happens.
[Tony Coronado, Acute Care Adult Gerontology Nurse Practitioner Program] One of the biggest motivations that I had entering this program was that the underrepresentation of Hispanics in this program. And that’s what I really was doing this for is because we need more advanced nurse practitioners in the minority field or minorities into this field. And that’s how I hoped that you know we can encourage more minorities to go into this program.
[Stephanie] The positives about the clinical placement process for me were really to expand myself into areas where I naturally in my career as an RN had kind of shied away away from just out of you know lack of experience lack of knowledge and really leaning into those those areas where I I wouldn’t have naturally chosen that myself but kind of learning to explore some of those areas of discomfort and and turn them into comfort and and knowledge.
[Emily Vankomen, Primary Care Adult Gerontology Nurse Practitioner Program] The positives for me in the clinical placement process was that there was a whole entire team to assist in getting me the experience that I needed and the experience comes in the clinical placement. And so to have a team back me up and make sure that I can get the excellent education that I need so that I can feel prepared when I’m graduated is one of the most important things during my education.
[Whitney Hilton, Primary Care Adult Gerontology Nurse Practitioner Program] The positives for me about the clinical placement process were that Boise state is all Hands-On about helping you find your clinicals. I was fortunate enough to work with the providers that will, that I could kind of network with but I think they’re one of the best things about Boise State is there’s a whole clinical clinical placement program team that their goal is to make sure that you get the best clinicals. And that’s where all your education kind of is derived from really because you you see someone do it and then it gives you the confidence and the knowledge to do it yourself.
[Angela] This is actually very specifically why I chose this program because they had a clinical placement team and I had heard from a lot of people that clinical placement was really challenging for nurse practitioner programs. And so I had looked at various programs throughout the country and I picked Boise State because of that placement team.
[Stephanie] So my clinicals have impacted my education in a lot of ways I think build building up areas where I really had a strong knowledge base, building up areas where I didn’t have a strong knowledge base, really also kind of highlighting the need for nurses to go go on and get a higher education. There’s such a need I think for advanced practice nurses and that really came through in my clinical experience and so I think enhancing my education will help me get back to my community.
[Emily]My clinicals have impacted my education because that’s where you get the hands-on experience and that is where you kind of mesh the didactic and Academia with the Hands-On and in the moment clinical decision making.
[Nick]It’s where the rubber meets the road it’s the job you know it’s where it’s I think for myself and I with my fellow classmates this we’re all excited about clinical because this is why we’re doing this this is the job this is the preparation.
[Whitney] During intensives I’ve enjoyed the most this week just interacting with your cohort they call it um after the pandemic we were all isolated for so long honestly the best part about being here has just been to engage with people, realize that you’re part of a community you’re part of a program, and that you kind of have like your own graduating class and that kind of makes you feel like you’re part of something.
[Angela] What I have enjoyed most about my experience on campus has been the connections that I make with my classmates and the Hands-On portion of the Summer intensives where we learned we you know we practice suturing and joint injections and casting and things like that I’m much more of a Hands-On person that was the most enjoyable experience for me as far as summer intensives.
[Tony] Well this is where you go to the clinicals and you see what exactly you’re studying to do and you know you can measure how much more education you need how much experience you need where you’re at Baseline and how much more you need to learn and I think that’s really important that you’re actually doing what you’re learning.