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Academic Integrity

Academic Integrity

The Boise State University Student Code of Conduct outlines the standards of academic honesty and integrity.

Please visit the Boise State University Student Code of Conduct

In the RN-BS online option, there is a tremendous amount of writing. Therefore, you need to be mindful of potential Plagiarism.  Boise State University defines plagiarism as:

The term “plagiarism” at its most basic level means to steal someone else’s words, composition, research, and/or ideas. Plagiarism is both cheating and theft. Given the seriousness of this offense, students have a responsibility to understand its meaning and implications for the academic community. Plagiarism can be committed in any type of assignment. Plagiarism includes but is not limited to:

  1. the use by direct quotation of another person’s work, published or unpublished, without clearly setting off the quotation and/or without full and clear acknowledgment;
  2. the use by paraphrase of another person’s work, published or unpublished, without full and clear acknowledgment;
  3. the use of another person’s ideas, arguments, and/or thesis from a published or unpublished work without full and clear acknowledgment;
  4. the use of another person’s research from a published or unpublished work without full and clear acknowledgment;
  5. the use of materials prepared by a person or agency engaged in the selling of term papers or other academic materials.
  6. all preceding points also apply to your own work, in a previously completed assignment.


As an online student it is important that you do your own work and that you are who you say you are.  Boise State University authenticates this by assigning you a unique username and password for accessing myBoiseState and Canvas.  Do not share this password with anyone.  And please, do your own work!  Professors have a keen awareness online and can easily tell with voice or tone in an online environment changes.

Submitting someone else’s work as your own is considered academic dishonesty, and is a violation of the student code of conduct and Boise State’s shared value of Academic Excellence. For more information on academic dishonesty and misconduct see the Student code of conduct, Section 8. Procedures for Academic Misconduct

Net Etiquette/Professionalism

Please review the net etiquette resources found here:

Net Etiquette Resources

You may have taken some electronic courses before, and you may also have had experience with some form of electronic communication, but an online course is a new area of social interaction, and as such it has its own rules for interacting with others.


  • Treat everyone with respect.
  • Use appropriate language for a classroom setting
  • Do not make derogatory comments to a classmate either directly or implied.
  • Do not post reams of trivial comments.
  • Do not use the online forums as a “soap box” for personal or political opinions.
  • Do not post long and rambling commentaries to a discussion.
  • Use the mechanisms available (mainly e-mail) to communicate with an individual or selected group member for exchanges that are off topic.

Social Media

As an online student at Boise State University, it is your responsibility to be informed of the best practices of Social Media and Social Media Networking.  Please visit the two links below :

Social Media For Nurses Video – 5 minutes 44 seconds. This is an excellent resource.


Please complete this RN-BS Completion Track Academic Honesty Form and verify that you have read and understood all of the information contained in this email.