Updated Email Signature Line
We have a lot of students in our programs in the School of Nursing. Our Advising team would absolutely love to be able to help you in a timely and efficient manner! So we are asking you to make sure you include your student ID in every email you send to us.
I know this can be difficult to remember so I am sharing with you an easy way to make sure you can do that and not even have to think about it! You can put that student ID number right in your Bronco Mail Signature line!
Signature line
I would recommend you set your signature line up like this:
- First Name Last Name (That we know you by)
- Student ID
- Boise State RNBS Student
Steps to set up signature line
If you are wondering how to do this, here are some instructions for you:
- Open Gmail.
- At the top right, click Settings. See all settings.
- Under “General,” scroll to “Signature” and click the signature you want to edit.
- Use the text box to make your changes. To change the signature name, click Edit.
- At the bottom, click Save Changes.
Any time you email the Registrar or Financial Aid offices, they also require your student ID, so if you do this your ID will always be there for whomever you are reaching out to for help! The quicker we can look you up and identify you, the quicker we are going to be able to help you with fewer back and forth questions as we to identify you!