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Colloquia Listing

Philosophy Colloquia Offered. Use the search field to filter table content.
2016November 11"Ternary Orders in Temporal Topology, Personal Identity and Theory of Ground"Dr. Cody Gilmore
UC Davis
2016November 10"Personal Identity and Theories of Fission"Dr. Cody Gilmore
UC Davis
2016November 12"Medieval Mysticism and Embodied Religious Experience"Dr. Christina Van Dyke, Calvin College
2016November 11"Eating Disorders, Gender, Platonism. etc"Dr. Christina Van Dyke, Calvin College
2016Fall 2016The Value of Philosophy in the Age of GoogleDr. Neil Sinhababu, National University of Singapore
2016Fall 2015"Is Sherlock Holmes Real?"Dr. Reina Hayaki, University Nebraska-Lincoln
2016April 23"The Wealth of Wonder Waiting in a Socratic Dialogue"Dr. Stewart Gardner, Boise State University
2016March 14"Neuromachen Ethics"Dr. Garret Merriam, University of Southern Indiana
2016March 13"If There is a God, Anything is Permissible"Dr. Garret Merriam, University of Southern Indiana
2016March 7"Swinburne's Aesthetic Appeal"Dr. Hud Hudson, Western Washington University
2016March 6"The Father of Lies?"Dr. Hud Hudson, Western Washington University
2016February 28"Philosophy of Oppression: Discussion"Dr. Jason J. Campbell, Nova Southeastern University
2016February 27"Philosophy of Oppression: revolution without revenge"Dr. Jason J. Campbell, Nova Southeastern University
2014October 4"The Good, The Sad, and The Ugly"Dr. Nina Strohminger, Duke University; Dr. Jonathan Weinberg, University of Arizona
2014October 3"The ICK Factor"Dr. Nina Strohminger, Duke University
2014September 25"Multiple Types of Entrenchments in the AGM Model of Belief Revision"Ms. Elizabeth Bell, University of Wyoming
2014April 26"Re-orienting Discussions of Scientific Explanation: A Functional Perspective"Dr. Andrea Woody, University of Washington
2014April 25"Do We Still Need Live Performance?"Dr. Andrea Woody, University of Washington
2014February 21"What was Cultural Relativism?"Dr. Kendall House, Boise State University
2013November 16"Conceptions, Understanding, and Wisdom"Dr. Marc Moffett, UTEP
2013November 15"Philosophy, Hunting, and Fair Chase"Dr. Marc Moffett, UTEP
2013April 26"Freedom and Perfection"Dr. Kevin Timpe, Northwest Nazarene University
2013April 6“Omissions as Possibilities”Dr. Sara Bernstein, Duke University
2013April 5“Time Travel: A Practical Guide”Dr. Sara Bernstein, Duke University
2012October 19“Moral Considerations in Immigration Law and Policy”Dr. Matt Lister, University of Denver, Sturm College of Law
2012September 14“Vague Desire: the Sorites and the Money Pump”Dr. David Etlin, University of Groningen in the Netherlands
2012April 23“Reconciling Faith and Reason: Aquinas’s Solution and Its Contemporary Implications”Dr. Creighton Rosental, Mercer University
2012April 20“Connections between Logic and Philosophy in Aristotle, Buridan and Boole: Three Philosophical Moments in the History of Logic (or: Three Logical Moments in the History of Philosophy)"Dr. Creighton Rosental, Mercer University
2012April 14“Three Ways Truth May be Relative"Dr. Angel Pinillos, Arizona State University
2012April 13“What is Experimental Philosophy”Dr. Angel Pinillos, Arizona State University
2011December 2“When Do Things Die”Dr. Cody Gilmore, assistant professor of philosophy at University of California at Davis
2011December 3“What Do Quantifiers and Variables Contribute?”Dr. Cody Gilmore, assistant professor of philosophy at University of California at Davis
2011August 26“Zarathustra's Metaethics”Dr. Neil Sinhababu, National University of Singapore
2011August 27“The Gap Between Thought and Ought”Dr. Neil Sinhababu, National University of Singapore
2011April 15“Mathematics: Discovered or Invented?”Dr. Kit Fine, Silver Professor of Philosophy and Mathematics at New York University
2010April 27“Priority Ensemblism”Dr. Joshua Spencer, Syracuse University
2010March 12“Can Science Disprove the Existence of God?"Dr. Peter van Inwagen, is the John Cardinal O’Hara Professor of Philosophy at the University of Notre Dame
2010March 13“Causation and the Mental”Dr. Peter van Inwagen, is the John Cardinal O’Hara Professor of Philosophy at the University of Notre Dame
2010November 13“Responding Rationally to Religions Disagreement"Dr. Samuel Ruhmkorff, Bard College at Simon’s Rock
2010November 13"How the Pessimistic Induction Begs the Question”Dr. Samuel Ruhmkorff, Bard College at Simon’s Rock
2009September 10"Tracing and Epistemic Condition on Moral Responsibility"Dr. Kevin Timpe, Northwest Nazarene University
2009May 9"Evolutionary Ethics and Wager Arguments"Dr. Zac Ernst, University of Missouri-Columbia
2009May 8"Two Composition Problems in Action"Dr. Sara Chant, University of Missouri-Columbia
2009April 17"An Atheist Defends Intelligent Design"Dr. Bradley Monton, University of Colorado
2009April 18"Against Multiverse Theodicies"Dr. Bradley Monton, University of Colorado
2008December 5"Endless Hierarchies and Morally Perfect Beings"Dr. Brian Kierland, Boise State University
2008November 21"Why Water Isn’t H2O"Dr. Ken Dickey, Boise State University
2006October 27"Perspectives in Imaginative Engagement with Fiction"Dr. Elisabeth Camp, University of Pennsylvania
2006October 28"Poesis without Metaphor"Dr. Elisabeth Camp, University of Pennsylvania
2005December 6"The Ethics of a Politically Correct Christmas"Mr. Jim Stockton, Boise State University
2005November 11"Colloquium on Endangered Species"Speakers: Mr. Jon Marvel, Executive Director,
Western Watersheds Project
Mr. Laird Lucas Attorney & Executive Director,
Advocates for the West
Dr. Tony Roark, Boise State University
Dr. Andrew Schoedinger, Boise State University
Organized by Dr. Erin Anchustegui, Boise State University
2005April 21"Intrinsic Vale and Intrinsic Properties"Dr. Josh Parsons, Univeristy of California at Davis
2005April 22"Some New Zeno Puzzles"Dr. Josh Parsons, Univeristy of California at Davis
2005April 8"Who's your Daddy?"Dr. Donald C. Hubin, Ohio State University
2005April 9"Responsibility for Dependent Life"Dr. Donald C. Hubin, Ohio State University
2005February 18"The Gap of Between Art and Life"Dr. Arthur C. Danto, Emeritus Johnsonian Professor of
Philosophy, Columbia University
2004November 18"Protecting Public Lands from Federally-Funded Abuses by Ranchers"Mr. Jon Marvel, Western Watersheds Project
2004September 1"The Saints of Non-Violence: Christ, Gandhi, and Buddha"Dr. Nick Gier, University of Idaho (emeritus)
2004February 27"How to Lose your Leg … Without Paradox"Dr. Mark Heller, Southern Methodist University
2004February 28"The Conventionality of the 3-D/4-D Debate"Dr. Mark Heller, Southern Methodist University
2003May 2-3"The Essentialist Nominalism of John Buridan, and Consequences of a Closed, Token-Based Semantics: the Case of John Buridan"Dr. Gyula Klima, Fordham University
2003April 25" The Quick Talk"Dr. Hud Hudson, Western Washington University
2003March 30"Vague, So Untrue"Dr. Theodor Sider, Rutgers University
2003March 31"A New Grandfather Paradox?"Dr. Theodor Sider, Rutgers University
2002April12"Truth in Fiction: The Whole Story"Dr. Frances Howard-Snyder, Western Washington University
2002March 15"Oppression and Epistemic Advantage: Why The View is Better From The Margins"Dr. Audre Brokes, St. Joseph’s University
2002March 16"The Reference Class Problem and Direct Inference"Dr. Audre Brokes, St. Joseph’s University
2001October 9"Is It Stupid To Believe In God?"Speakers: Dr. Ken Sanderson, Professor and Chair,
Department of English; Rabbi Daniel Fink, Ahavath Beth Israel and
Saikat Guha, Philosophy Major.
2001April 20"Inexplicable Contingency: Is There Any Explanation For Why Things That Could Have Been Otherwise Are the Way They Are?"Dr. Hud Hudson, Western Washington University
2001April 21"Nothing But Dust and Ashes"Dr. Hud Hudson, Western Washington University
2001March 10"Touching"Dr. Hud Hudson, Western Washington University
2000October 20"Notre Dame, Can Science Disprove the Existence of God?"Dr. Peter van Inwagen, John Cardinal O’Hara
Professor of Philosophy, Notre Dame
2000October 21"What Do We Refer to When We Say ‘I’?"Dr. Peter van Inwagen, John Cardinal O’Hara
Professor of Philosophy, Notre Dame
1999October 29" Morality & the Limits of Technology"Dr. Clarence Johnson, Middle Tennessee University
1998November 13"The Ethics of Physician Assisted Suicide"Dr. Ralph Baergen, Idaho State University
1998November 14"Eptisemic Internalism"Dr. Ralph Baergen, Idaho State University
1998March 11" A Sound Argument Concerning Existence of God"Dr. Hud Hudson, Western Washington University
1997April 25"St. Augustine: Rhetoric and Religion in Roman North Africa"Prof. Paul Beddoe, St. Andrews University
1997February 27"Creationism vs. Evolutionism."Dr. Andrew B. Schoedinger & Reverend B. Fisher,
Boise State University
1996March 8"Inevitable Factual, Legal & Moral Errors: A Case Against the Death Penalty"Prof. Jeff Johnson, Eastern Oregon State
1996March 9"Hare’s Internalism"Mr. Patrick Beach M.A., Boise State University
1996February 6"Something Pertaining to Philosophy & Mathematics"Dr. Randall Holmes, Boise State University
1995November 17"Does Technological Progress Prove Our Cosmology to be True?"Dr. Charles Huenemann, Utah State University
1995October 20"Advance Directives for Medical Care: What Are Our Goals and Why Aren’t We Achieving Them?"Dr. Ralph Baergen, Idaho State University
1995March 17"How to Read Philosophy: An Easy Introduction to Foucault and Derrida"Dr. Terry Mazurak, Albertson College
1995February 6"Plato & Friendship"Dr. Mary Karol Taylor, Montana St. University
1994March 19"A Multidisciplinary Look at Biotechnological Advances"Philosophy/Psychology/Psy Chi/Psy Honorary
1993December 3"Moderated Philosophy Club & Campus Crusade for Christ, Freethought Society"[McLuggage/Brandt]Dr. Alan Brinton, Boise State University
1990October 29"Pain and Ethical Naturalism [The Good, The Bad & The Ugly]"Dr. Andrew B. Schoedinger, Dr. Alan Brinton
and Dr. Warren Harbison, Boise State University
1990April 10"The Phenomenology of Stupidity as a Factor in Argument and Ethos"Dr. Laurence Rosenfield, Queens College
of the City University of New York
1990March 18"The Great Showdown"Dr. Andrew B. Schoedinger and Dr. Ed McLuskie,
Boise State University
OtherFebruary 15, 1989"Idealism in Descartes & Malebranch"Dr. Russell Wahl, Idaho State University
OtherJune 10, 1988"Values Implicit in the Concept of Suicide," and Hume’s Birthday all nighters to see “if the sun will truly rise.”Dr. Michael J. Wreen, Marquette University