Past Adjunct Professor
Email: cp@peddicord.com
Clark Peddicord graduated from the University of Idaho in Biological Science (“Sorry! but I also have a degree from Boise State.”); later, he studied theology and philosophy in Chicago and Germany; M.Div. from Trinity Seminary; D. Phil in Philosophy was earned at the Center for Philosophy and the Conceptual Foundations of Science at Justus Liebig University (Giessen, Germany) with a doctoral thesis on “Die Wunderkritik Immanuel Kants” (“Immanuel Kant’s Critique of Miracles”). His main philosophical interests include: Kant and German Idealism; philosophy of science; philosophy of religion; and medieval philosophy. Important datum: 28 years living and working in Germany; most recently 1993-2003 teaching at an ecumenical center connected with the Lutheran church of Germany.