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Policy Updates for October 2023

Approved New Policies

Export Control and Controlled Data (Policy 5120) – Approved 08/04/2023
This new policy was developed to ensure the university is meeting its obligations under U.S. export control laws and regulations. As a growing research university, particularly in semiconductor devices, the university is entering into more advanced technical areas with Department of Defense funding and CHIPS Act funding, both of which require tightened research security related to export controls and controlled data.

Professional Employee Terms of Employment (Policy 7660)
 – Approved 08/17/2023
This new policy was developed to outline the terms of employment and at-will employment status for professional employees pursuant to Idaho State Board of Education Policy, Sections II.F. and II.H. This policy replaces the Professional Staff Employees – Definition and Employment Contracts (Policy 7280) policy which was approved for deletion.

Approved Policy Revisions

Approval of Special Course or Program Fees (Policy 4200) – Revised 09/21/2023
This policy was revised to allow faculty travel associated with the supervision of internships, externships, student teaching within the Boise State service region, or clinical or field experiences required of students, to now be an authorized special course or program fee. In addition, language was added under Section 5.c. clarifying that if a professional or program fee is applied to a course, then the course fee must be evaluated for addition or removal as it is expected that when professional or program fee exist, course fees will not.

Time Away from Work (Policy 7620) – Revised 09/21/2023
This policy was revised under Section 4.5 – Lactation Breaks, to bring the policy into alignment with the recent passage of the PUMP for Nursing Mothers Act (“Pump Act”). The revisions require employees to be completely relieved from duty and to be paid for break time to express breast milk. Employees approved for telecommuting are also eligible to take lactation breaks on the same basis as other employees.

Compensation (Policy 7650) – Revised 09/21/2023
This policy was revised under Section 7.9 – Merit Increase, to update the requirements for when a merit increase must be approved by the Provost, the President, or the appropriate vice president. The new requirements are as follows:

-The requested increase is greater than twenty-five (25%) of the employee’s current compensation.

-The requested increase is for a Classified employee who is on entrance, voluntary, or promotional probation (first 1,040 hours worked).

In addition, language was also added under Section 7.9 – Merit Increase, to clarify that merit increases will generally be awarded no more than once in any fiscal year. However, based on a legitimate business need, such as a significant reorganization in the department, a merit increase may be awarded more often. Absent extraordinary circumstances, merit increases may not be awarded less than 6 months apart.

Desktop, Laptop, and Tablet PC Computing (Policy 8030) – Revised 09/20/2023
This policy was rewritten to update the standards for hardware, software, backups, and best practices.

Institutional Messaging (Policy 8100) – Revised 08/16/2023
This policy was revised to allow the university to send mass text messages to students who have opted-in to receive text messages for official university communications.

Communicable Disease (Policy 9270) – Revised 08/14/2023
This policy was revised to update the reportable and restrictable diseases under Section 3.2 in alignment with IDAPA 16.02.10 that was updated in March of 2022. In addition, the definition of “exposure” was revised deleting specific references to COVID-19; the definitions for “facial covering” and “physical distancing” were revised bringing them into alignment with CDC guidelines; the definitions for “restriction,” “reportable disease,” and “restrictable disease” were added to comport with IDAPA 16.02.10; and Section 8 – Enforcement and Violations, was deleted.

Approved Policy Deletions

Professional Staff Employees – Definition and Employment Contracts (Policy 7280) – Approved 09/01/23
This policy was approved for deletion as the university’s professional employees are no longer employed pursuant to an employment contract. A new policy outlining the at-will employment status for professional employees has been developed (see Professional Employee Terms of Employment – Policy 7660).

Non-Classified Employees Due Process and Appeal Procedures (Policy 7310) – Approved 09/01/23
This policy was approved for deletion. A separate policy for faculty due process is pending final approval, and professional employees were converted to an at-will employment status in 2020.

Telecommuting – Remote Work (Policy 7605) – Approved 09/01/23
This policy was approved for deletion. The Telecommuting – Remote Work and Telecommuting – Hybrid policies were combined into one policy (see Telecommuting – Policy 7600).

Approved Emergency Suspensions

Faculty Salary Determination (Policy 4430) – Approved 07/19/23
This policy was suspended as the procedures are out of date and do not reflect the state-mandated requirements for distribution of change in employee compensation (CEC). The policy was last revised in January of 2008. A new version will be drafted using a faculty ad-hoc committee.