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Seats Still Available: Register for Summer Classes Today!

Are you looking for a class to take this Summer? There are still seats available in courses being offered by the Department of Psychological Science.

Taking Summer classes can help you reach your goals more quickly, allow you to concentrate on one course at a time, and allow you to complete prerequisite requirements before the start of the Fall semester. Summer classes are also a great way to save money, as Summer per-credit rates are lower than Fall and Spring per-credit rates for regular courses. Financial aid is also available. To learn more about Summer classes, visit the Boise State website.

Registration for Summer classes operates on a first-come, first-served basis. Keep reading to learn more about what is still available, and feel free to reach out to PSYC Advising with any questions.

PSYC 397: Career Paths with a Psychology Degree

PSYC 397 is a 3-credit elective course being offered during the 10-week Summer session. In this class, you’ll learn about career options in the field of Psychology that can be accessed with a Bachelor’s degree, as well as those that require a Master’s or doctoral degree. This course will also discuss ways to set yourself up for success as a college graduate.

PSYC 441: Learning

PSYC 441 is a 3-credit course that satisfies the Basic Experimental Cluster requirement for the Psychology major. It is being offered during the 1st 3-week Summer sesssion. In this class, you’ll explore some of the fundamental theories related to how humans and other animals learn, including classical conditioning, operant conditioning, and observational learning.

View the full list of courses being offered by the Department of Psychological Science this Summer