Prevention and Intervention Programming Emphasis
Learn to use a problem-focused, multidisciplinary approach to designing prevention and intervention programs that address pressing public health problems. This emphasis will prepare you to design and coordinate interventions with integrated health education and promotion, policy and regulatory components focused on multiple levels of influence.
This emphasizes working with local communities to design and deliver programming meant to enhance the health and well-being of individuals, families, priority groups, and the community-at-large.
Learn more about the Prevention and Intervention Programming curriculum through the Graduate Catalog:
Data-Driven Decision Making Emphasis
Data science in public health is an essential skill for various careers in the field and data-driven decision making is key to helping the community in meaningful and effective ways. In this emphasis, you will learn and improve skills in this area and increase your opportunities for working in public health data science positions.
Learn more about the Data-Driven Decision Making Emphasis curriculum through the Graduate Catalog.
Environmental and Occupational Health Emphasis
Environmental and Occupational Health is the branch of public health that protects us from harmful exposures in the natural, built and work environments.
As a student in this emphasis you will learn how to prevent health risks connected to events such as wildfires, extreme heat, natural disasters and the growing water crisis. You will also learn to promote safe, high quality jobs and employee wellness by improving working conditions for all.
Learn more about the Environmental and Occupational Health curriculum through the Graduate Catalog.
Please Note: The Health Management and Leadership Emphasis is being discontinued as of fall 2026. If you are a student that has already declared this emphasis, you do not need to take any action. You can still view the emphasis coursework on the 2024-2025 Graduate Catalog.
Please reach out to MPH Director Ellen Schafer if you have any questions.