The following foundation courses are required for most Criminal Justice graduate students. Please consult the Graduate Catalog to find the requirements for your catalog year.
CJ 500 Proseminar (1-0-1) (F). Focuses on writing, research, conference presentations, and other professional issues concerning both academic and practitioner career paths in criminal justice and criminology.
CJ 501 Crime and Criminal Justice (3-0-3) (F). Locates the profession of criminal justice within historical, theoretical, and political perspectives. Defines the nature and scope of the discipline. Discusses the relationships among theory, policy, and practice.
CJ 506 Theories of Crime (3-0-3) (S). Major explanations of crime and its control. Efforts toward an integration of existing approaches are explored and consideration of the development of general theory is discussed.
CJ 513 Victimology (3-0-3) (S). An exploration of the theory, research, and practices related to crime victimization. The role of victims in the crime triangle, prevalence of various forms of victimization, the effects of crime on its victims, and the criminal justice/social services response to victimization will be discussed.
SPS 501 Social Science Research Design (3-0-3) (F/S). Introduction to the logic of research design in the social sciences. Basic methods of quantitative and qualitative research and their application to different disciplines. The relationship among theory, research, and social policy. The development and interpretation of research reports.
SPS 502 Quantitative Methods for the Social Sciences (3-0-3) (F/S). Univariate and introductory multivariate techniques through computerized statistical packages in the social and behavioral sciences and entailing statistical problem solving using various data-sources. PREREQ: SPS 501 or PERM/INST.