Seminar Series
Criminal Justice graduate students are required to complete 9-15 credits (3-5 courses) from the following list of seminars. Please consult the Graduate Catalog to find the requirements for your catalog year.
CJ 502 Organization and Management of Criminal Justice (3-0-3) (S) (Even years). The structures, functions, and operations of criminal justice organizations are analyzed. Issues within these areas are approached with attention to their cultural, social, and political implications. The relationship between formal and informal structures and their social, political, and legal environment is examined.
CJ 505 Law and Social Control (3-0-3) (F) (Odd years). A focus on the nature of law and legal institutions and the relationships between law and other forms of social control. Theory and research on the development of law and its implementation at various stages of the legal process is reviewed.
CJ 507 Contemporary Issues in Policing (3-0-3) (S) (Even years). In-depth consideration of issues affecting policing today. Examines police organization, management and leadership, policy formulation, community policing and related issues. Focuses on the role of police officers in a changing society.
CJ 508 Contemporary Issues in Courts and Sentencing (3-0-3) (F) (Even years). Considers specific aspects of criminal adjudication, including prosecution and defense, bail determination, plea-bargaining, jury decision-making, and sentencing practices.
CJ 509 Juvenile Justice (3-0-3) (S) (Even years). Examines the historical development and current practices of juvenile courts and juvenile correctional institutions. Emphasis on program evaluation and developments in delinquency theory as related to practice.
CJ 514 Contemporary Issues in Corrections (3-0-3) (F) (Odd years). Examines issues affecting corrections today. Focuses on correctional organization, management and leadership, policy formulation, institutional and community corrections and related issues. Considers the contribution of rehabilitative and deterrent philosophies to the diverse contemporary perspectives on corrections.
CJ 515 Special Topics in Criminal Justice (3-0-3) (F) (Even years). Explores current or emerging issues affecting crime and/or the criminal justice system. Detailed focus on one topic of the instructor’s choice per course offering.
CJ 516 Social Diversity and Crime (3-0-3) (S) (Odd years). Explores the influence of, and interplay among, the various aspects of social diversity on offending, victimization, and the criminal justice system.