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Summer 2023 Course Offerings

rafters float under friendship bridge on the Boise RiverTwo upper division, asynchronous ENVSTD courses will be offered with wide appeal to ENVSTD majors/ minors:

  • First 7wk: ENVSTD 450 Policy for the Environment with Dr. Chris Torres
    Provides an overview of policy processes for the
    environment, including policymaking and implementation at local, regional, national and/or international scales. Examines political and institutional barriers and opportunities to policy choices and corresponding impacts on the environment. Emphasis placed on variety of stakeholders involved in decision-making and the inherent conflicts that emerge.
  • 2nd 7 wk: ENVSTD 498 Working Landscapes in the West with Prof Jared Talley
    Examines the evolution of natural and built landscapes from agricultural and mining to tourism and technology sectors. Considers social and ecological connections around cities and towns and their economic importance. Topics include short term rentals, sprawl, workforce housing, cultural boundaries, the brain drain, and more.

Remote options include:

2nd 5wk: ENVSTD 498 Policy Implementation with Dr. Luke Fowler
Examines mechanisms, assumptions, and measurement issues surrounding various forms of public policy implementation including the use of direct service delivery by public organizations, collaborative systems, and the use of for-profit and nonprofit organizations.

Zena Creek Ranch Field School

3-Credits, Second 3-week session, In-field July 28 – August 2

On-site intensive field learning for undergraduate and graduate students across environmental disciplines. Students will investigate use-inspired questions related to energy, land, and water transitions in rural Idaho. Focus will be placed on problem-based learning, individual reflection, and a field projects.


There are also 1 and 2 credit workshops throughout the summer.