MPA Graduate Program Forms
- Request Program Development Form
- Internship Waiver Memo
Please fill out the linked form and upload a formal letter validating your request as well as your resume/CV. Once approved by the Program Director, you will receive an email from the Program Admin. - Boise State Scholarship Application
- PPA Program Data Form – Secured interactive form provides links to more info re: assistantships, scholarships, etc.
- Application for Admission to Candidacy – formerly known as the Proposed Plan of Study for a Graduate Certificate program (AAC)
Graduate College Forms
Below is list of frequently used forms from the Graduate College. Please access Graduate College Forms & Guidelines.
- Apply to Graduate School
- Graduate Catalog
- Program Change Request
- Intent to Enroll or Defer Enrollment Form
- Adjustment of Academic Requirements (RAAR)
- Request for Approval of Transfer Credits (RATC)
- Appointment of Supervisory Committee (ASC)
- Application for Admission to Candidacy (AAC) – Update in chronological order
- Graduation: To apply, log in to myBoiseState
- Application for Graduate Research Assistantship – GRA (Refer to Boise State Policy 7170)
- Application for Admission to Candidacy – formerly known as the Proposed Plan of Study for a Graduate Certificate program (AAC)
Please note the Graduate College processing time for forms is 4-6 weeks.
Thesis and Dissertation Office
Below is list of frequently used forms from the Thesis and Dissertation Office.
- Graduate College Master’s & Doctoral Defense Notifications
- Appointment of Supervisory Committee
- Application for Admission to Candidacy
- Thesis/Dissertation Pre-Review Checklist
- Graduate Defense Notification Form
- Defense Committee Approval – (dissertation)
- Final Reading Approval (dissertation)
- Access Agreement for a Thesis or Dissertation (dissertation)
- Survey of Earned Doctorates (SED)
Program Requirement of Final Dissertation Copies
- The program requires an electronic copy and a bound copy of your FINAL dissertation to be provided within one month following commencement. Once approved to submit your final electronic version via ScholarWorks, please forward an electronic copy for the Program Lead to retain within your academic unit’s student file. The Graduate College provides an electronic process for a student to order paper copies for the academic unit and any additional paper copies, such as those for personal use.
Registrar’s Office Forms
Below is list of frequently used forms from the Registrar’s Office. Please access the Registrar’s Forms.
- Graduation: To apply, log in to
The following sections are to be arranged between the faculty advisor and student, and cannot be substituted for a regularly offered course or used to improve a grade for a course already taken.
- Application for Reading and Conference (595)
- Application for Graduate Independent Study (596)
- Application for Directed Research (696)
PLEASE NOTE: it is important to provide the PPA program’s admin. staff with a copy of all signed forms for your program file, or give them your original signed forms so that they can copy and then forward your original to be processed